News Archive 2005

  • San Diego dispensaries raided by police as county plans federal lawsuit against state ID cards, Prop. 215 (Dec 2005).
  • CAMP posts new record – over 1 million marijuana plants eradicated in 2005.
  • San Francisco OKs medical cannabis dispensary ordinance (Nov 2005).
  • Cal NORML poll shows SF voters don’t see pot clubs as a problem, over 60% support legalization.
  • New accident studies show marijuana a lesser driving hazard than alcohol – Drug urine tests unjustified (2005).
  • CHP agrees to honor Prop. 215 – other Prop. 215 legal issues outstanding.
  • NIDA blocks MAPS – NORML study of marijuana vaporization as research proponents appeal at DEA hearings.
  • Raids against medical cannabis dispensaries resume; patients not targeted. "A
    warning shot across the bow" (July 05). (List of federal medical marijuana cases).
  • Marijuana smoking not linked to lung cancer, UCLA study concludes (Jun 05).
  • Supreme Court rules against medical marijuana patients Raich & Monson – state
    medical marijuana law NOT affected (Jun 05).
  • Congress rejects Rohrabacher-Hinchey amendment to stop federal war on medical marijuana, but California delegation votes 35-19 in favor (Jun 05).
  • Air Travelers face more intrusive baggage checks
  • Counties and cities act to regulate cannabis dispensaries.
  • Centennial of the Drug War – First Congressional anti-narcotics bill passed March 3, 1905 – 2005