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San Diego dispensaries raided by police as county plans federal lawsuit against state ID cards, Prop. 215 (Dec 2005).
CAMP posts new record – over 1 million marijuana plants eradicated in 2005.
San Francisco OKs medical cannabis dispensary ordinance (Nov 2005).
Cal NORML poll shows SF voters don’t see pot clubs as a problem, over 60% support legalization.
New accident studies show marijuana a lesser driving hazard than alcohol – Drug urine tests unjustified (2005).
CHP agrees to honor Prop. 215 – other Prop. 215 legal issues outstanding.
NIDA blocks MAPS – NORML study of marijuana vaporization as research proponents appeal at DEA hearings.
Raids against medical cannabis dispensaries resume; patients not targeted. "A
warning shot across the bow" (July 05). (List of federal medical marijuana cases).
Marijuana smoking not linked to lung cancer, UCLA study concludes (Jun 05).
Supreme Court rules against medical marijuana patients Raich & Monson – state
medical marijuana law NOT affected (Jun 05).
Congress rejects Rohrabacher-Hinchey amendment to stop federal war on medical marijuana, but California delegation votes 35-19 in favor (Jun 05).
Air Travelers face more intrusive baggage checks
Counties and cities act to regulate cannabis dispensaries.
Centennial of the Drug War – First Congressional anti-narcotics bill passed March 3, 1905 – 2005