Oakland 4/20: “Obama, You’re Alienating Your Base”

Many thanks to everyone who turned out to make our 4/20 protest of the federal medical marijuana raids at Obama’s campaign headquarters in Oaksterdam a success. Not only did we make our views known colorfully and emphatically, but a sympathetic Obama campaign staffer cordially agreed to convey a message  written by Oaksterdam U Chancellor Dale Sky Jones from us to the President.  We are all awaiting the reply. As usual, our demonstration received enthusiastic support from passing onlookers and motorists.
The event was covered by KPFA, the Oakland Tribune, KTVU, Reuters, and others;  ironically, Phil Smith’s eyewitness coverage below was published in the Hawai’i News Daily (below). but the SF Chronicle was only up to covering 4/20 festivities in Boulder CO.

See rally photos here and here.

Contact Obama and tell him to keep his campaign promise and leave medical marijuana alone!

Read more: Oakland 4/20: “Obama, You’re Alienating Your Base”
April 20, 2012
by Philip Smith

4/20 is supposed to be a day of cannabis celebration, but in Oakland Friday it was a day of protest and demonstration. Angered by the ongoing federal crackdown on medical marijuana distribution and shocked and infuriated by the April 2 raids on Oaksterdam University and associated businesses, protestors gathered outside the federal building in downtown Oakland to denounce the administration before marching to President Obama’s Northern California campaign headquarters to deliver a letter demanding the administration cease and desist.

“Terrorist Haag Wanted for War Crimes Against Humanity,” read one hand-made sign, an expression of the widespread anger against the US Attorney for Northern California, who has targeted Northern California dispensaries as part of the ongoing federal offensive against medical marijuana distribution.

Printed green, white, and red “Cannabis medicine, let states regulate” sign waved among the crowd, as chants of “Obama, keep your promise!” and “Stop the lies, legalize!” echoed through the courtyard of the towering federal building.

But it’s not just marijuana advocates who are angry. “What happened here two weeks ago with the raid of Oaksterdam was an attack on our local and our members,” said Matt Witemyre, special project union representative for UFCW Local 5, which represents Northern California dispensary workers. “We’re here to register our displeasure with the administration’s actions and we’re stopping by campaign headquarters to let them know we do not support these policies. We’re here in solidarity with our brothers and sisters. They had good jobs and good benefits, and in the midst of the worst economic crisis in the country in decades, the administration is destroying these jobs. It makes no sense,” he fumed.

“We’re behind you 100%,” said Bob Swanson, representing Oakland Supervisor Nate Miley. “We ask that President Obama back off and rein his people in. Marijuana is medicine; let the people have it. Leave Richard Lee alone — he’s a good man and had done wonders for Oakland.”

Lee himself made an appearance. “This was supposed to be a day of celebration, but it’s a day of protest,” he said to loud cheers and cries of support.

There was also support from the other side of San Francisco Bay, with representatives of San Francisco United, a medical marijuana coalition opposing the federal attacks, standing in solidarity with their brethren in the East Bay.

“We are outraged and disgusted with what happened here two weeks ago,” said SF United’s Stephanie Tucker, referring to the Oaksterdam raids. “We won’t be treated this way. Obama, you are alienating your voter base. Rein in the Department of Justice and the US Attorneys. They are going after a peaceful and well-regulated community,” she said to more cheers.

“We’re here to protest the outrageous use of federal resources and what our federal government has done, raiding Oaksterdam and many other well-respected and -loved cannabis establishments here in California,” said California NORML executive director Dale Gieringer. “This is not the kind of change we were expecting from the Obama administration.” Friday was also Gieringer’s birthday, and the crowd gave the veteran activist a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday to You” to mark the occasion. (Gieringer is shown here, right, with Dan Rush of UCFW and Dale Sky Jones of Oaksterdam)

“They said they wouldn’t waste Justice Department resources on medical marijuana, but we’ve seen DEA raids all up and down the state, we’ve seen Treasury attacking the banks, we’ve seen the IRS going after dispensaries, we’ve seen BATF say that medical marijuana patients don’t have the right to bear arms, we’ve seen the Justice Department deny that marijuana has any medical value,” Gieringer continued.

“They’ve turned down a rescheduling petition after nine years of delay and ignored hundreds of studies to the contrary. This administration was supposed to respect science, but it’s turned its back on it. This makes no sense at all, and we’re going to deliver a message to the Obama administration,” he said before leading the chanting, banner-waving crowd on the short march to Obama campaign headquarters.

Passing cars honked in support as the crowd gathered in front of Obama headquarters. Richard Lee’s replacement as head of Oaksterdam, Dale Sky Jones, and UFCW representative Dan Rush hand-delivered a letter to campaign staffers demanding the administration cease and desist.

“What advantages do we derive from continuing this failed policy of prohibition?” asked Jones. “They’re committing robbery with a badge, empowering terrorists and cartels, and denying a proven medicine to patients in the guise of keeping it from our kids. We ended the first failed Prohibition. We can do it again, President Obama. We must repeal prohibition,” she insisted.

After handing over the letter at the doorway to the campaign headquarters, the crowd lingered to chant and wave signs, making sure the campaign noticed their presence.

“The local staff has heard our cries, and they support us,” said Jones. “They will take the letter we’ve written and deliver it straight to him.”

The Obama campaign has gotten the letter, but has it gotten the message? Time will tell, but the demonstrators in Oakland Friday put the campaign on notice that the administration is losing friends in California with its attacks on medical marijuana.

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