California Assembly Passes AB2312, the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Control Act

May 31st – The California Assembly approved the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Control Act, AB 2312 by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, by a vote of 41-30.

The bill would clarify the legality of dispensaries and other medical cannabis business by establishing clear, statewide rules for the industry under a new state Board of Medical Cannabis Enforcement (individual rights of patients and caregivers under Prop. 215 would not be affected).

Medical cannabis advocates, including California NORML, support the bill on the grounds that it would provide the kind of clear, legal framework necessary to protect patient access against federal raids.

“It is now sixteen years since Prop. 215 called on lawmakers to implement a ‘safe and affordable’ access to all patients in medical need,” says Cal NORML Director Dale Gieringer, “Tom Ammiano deserves credit for finally addressing this need.”

AB 2312 is based on a proposal originally drafted by Californians to Regulate Medical Marijuana, a coalition that includes California NORML.

Supporters are urged to tell their State Senators to support AB 2312.

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