Call on Obama to End DEA Raids!

January 23, 2009 — Cal NORML is sorry to note that the DEA yesterday conducted its first medical marijuana raid under the Obama administration. Agents raided the Holistic Solutions facility in South Lake Tahoe, taking cash and product but not arresting anyone.

Supporters are urged to call the White House and ask that Obama act promptly on his pledge to end DEA medical marijuana raids. The White House hotline phone is 202-456-1111 and the website is Or use their FAX line (open weekends) at 202-456-2461.

-D. Gieringer, Ca NORML

California NORML Release Jan 18, 2009

DEA Medical Marijuana Raids Cost State Jobs, Taxes: The Ken Estes Story

The DEA’s medical marijuana raids are depriving California’s economy of jobs and taxes.
So says Ken Estes, manager of a North Lake Tahoe patients’ collective which last week was hit by the first DEA medical marijuana raid under the Obama administration.

Estes, a quadriplegic and single parent who has been the target of repeated raids, says that the DEA not only closed his business, but also took his car and money and threatened to take his home and children.

“I’m a contributing member of society, creating jobs and paying taxes,” says Estes, “but the DEA keeps taking my stuff.”

Last December, the DEA forced Estes to close what had been the only operating dispensary in Contra Costa county, Holistic Solutions. “I had nine employees and had paid over $51,000 in sales taxes to the state in the past three months,” he says. Last May, DEA agents raided Estes and forced him to close two other dispensaries in San Mateo and Clearlake, leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

Estes, 44, credits medical marijuana with giving him gainful employment. “I was proud of myself to get off welfare, off disability, and to start paying taxes,” he says. Estes blames the
San Francisco DEA office for targeting him, saying that local police have given him no trouble.

DEA raids have cost California millions in sale tax revenues, according to records collected by California NORML. In addition, they have deprived the state of hundreds of taxpaying jobs, contributed to criminality, and discouraged development of a legally regulated market. Californians consume $1 – $2 billion worth of medical marijuana per year, enough to generate some $100 million in sales taxes. Ten times as much could be generated by complete legalization.

California NORML urges supporters to call on President Obama to promptly implement his pledge to end the DEA’s medical marijuana raids. White House Hotline: 202-456-1111 or Or use their FAX line (open weekends) at 202-456-2461.

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