DOJ to Charles Lynch: Business as Usual

The US Dept of Justice has made a mockery of AG Eric Holder’s policy of supposedly respecting state medical marijuana laws in the case of Charles C. Lynch, whose sentencing has been delayed until June 11.

“The Office of the Deputy Attorney General has reviewed the facts of this case and determined
that the investigation, prosecution, and conviction of defendant are entirely consistent with the policies of DOJ and with public statements made by the Attorney General with respect to marijuana prosecutions. ” – US Dept of Justice in case of Charles C. Lynch Click here to read the letter

The administration needs to be told loud and clear that this policy is unacceptable. Lynch
acted consistently with California law but was never given a chance to defend himself. The
AG’s callous response in this case represents federal “lynch” law at its worst.

– Dale Gieringer, Ca NORML

UPDATE: 6/11/09: Lynch is sentenced to 366 days is federal prison and four years’ probation.

White House Hotline 202-456-1111

Also, Ken Hayes will be in court on April 22 for a hearing in his federal case.

See a list of pending federal cases in California

These federal defendants are currently incarcerated due to medical marijuana cases in California:
Thomas Kikuchi
Stephanie Landa
Dustin Costa
Ricardo Montes
Luke Scarmazzo
Sparky Rose
Richard Marino
Jeff Sanderson
Larry Kristich
Kenneth “Kena” Affolter
Vernon Rylee

Related stories:
From the ASA Blog

Marijuana Defendants Push for Leniency


No More Ambiguity: Obama’s DoJ Backs Prosecution of Medical Marijuana Providers

Obama’s DOJ Won’t Intervene in Charlie Lynch Case

Charles Lynch Interview with John Stossel

Friends of Charles C. Lynch website

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