Feds Push Flawed Driving Study / California DUI Bill to Have Senate Hearing

Federal researchers this week began a serious PR push arguing that chronic cannabis consumers suffer impaired psychomotor/cognitive skills for a period of up to 30 days or more post-abstinence and, as a result, should not be legally permitted to drive.

Note that this study did NOT actually examine the driving performance of cannabis consumers. Rather, it examined the residual THC in their blood, which it found to be detectable for 30 days.  

The study goes on to selectively cite other studies indicating that such chronic use is consistent with impairment and goes on to conclude that persons with THC in their blood should not be allowed to drive. However, the study gives short shrift to a host of other evidence showing that low levels of blood THC have no adverse effect on driving performance.  

The study concludes, but fails to provide  convincing evidence, that cannabis contributes materially to driving accidents.

Meanwhile, in California, the Correa DUI bill SB 289 has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee, chaired by Senator Loni Hancock of Berkeley.  Democrats on the committee are: Sen. Marty Block from N. San Diego; Kevin de Leon from East LA – San Marino;  Carol Liu from an adjacent district including Pasadena; and Darrell Steinberg of Sacramento, the Pro Tem leader. Republicans are Joel Anderson and Steve Knight (Lawndale).

 – D. Gieringer

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