Lobby Day 2018 a Success!

Some of the citizen lobbyists who participated in Lobby Day.

June 5, 2018 – The Cal NORML / ASA annual Lobby Day, held June 4 in Sacramento, was well attended and well received.

Constituent advocates from Humboldt county to San Diego and all across the state visited dozens of Legislators’ offices to lobby on several key bills affecting cannabis consumers and the industry. Among them were:

AB 1793 (Bonta), to automatically expunge past cannabis convictions (currently in the Senate).

SB 829 (Wiener), to protect cannabis compassion programs (in Assembly Rules committee)

SB 1127 (Hill) for safe access to cannabis in schools (currently in the Assembly)

AB 2069 (Bonta), to protect employment rights for medical cannabis users (held up in Assembly appropriations)

Constituent lobbyists with Assemblyman Rob Bonta

Several regulatory bills were also presented to Assemblymembers and Senators, along with the top three barriers to access for medical cannabis patients and others:

– over taxation
– lack of universal delivery
– discrimination against opioid users

Sponsors for Lobby Day were:

The Green Cross
Berkeley Patients Group
A Therapeutic Alternative
Omar Figueroa
Supernova Women
Jennifer Ani

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