DIRECTORY: Submit Listing

Thank you for joining California NORML! Fill out this form to be added to one of our six targeted directories.

If you did not submit your payment on the previous page, you will be emailed an invoice, your listing will be posted upon payment.

Please provide full billing contact information for our records and so you can receive our members-only printed newsletter. Billing fields will not be published.

If you would like to request a new category, use a discount code, or have additional instructions or questions, fill in the “Additional Instructions or Requests” field.

Cannabis businesses required to be licensed by the state of California: Please provide your applicable license number(s) which will appear with your listing.

Images: The recommended minimum images size for the directories is 800 x 600 pixels. Make the most of your listing by including up to 5 images such as your photo, logo, or product shots. Specify which image you’d like to be on the grid search page by selecting it as “logo”.

For map placement (not applicable to Products or Vaping Resources directories): You may choose to list with your full address or appear on the map with only your city, state and ZIP code. Fill out the “Listing Locations” section accordingly.

Attorneys: Please fill out the brief Legal Committee Application after you submit this form.

For assistance and future updates: Contact [email protected] or 707-337-9747

This description will appear in the searchable directory grid.

This longer description will appear on your individual page. You may use the same content as the shorter description or provide different content.

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Request a new category, provide us with additional information, or add a promotional code here.

Please enter your name as a signature that you have provided this information to us.

Billing Information Will Not Be Displayed

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