AB390 Hearings Set for 2010 Session

March 23, 2009 – Hearings for the landmark legalization bill AB 390 by Tom Ammiano have been set for the next session of the California Assembly (Dec – Jan) so as to provide time for building support.

Thanks to the over 4,000 Californians who have already sent emails to their legislators about the bill through the Cal NORML website.

Stay tuned to CaNORML.org for the latest information about legalizing adult use of marijuana in California. If you are not yet a member, join today! ($25/year, $12 low income.)

Download AB390 Flyer


Political winds shift in favor of legalized pot
SF Chronicle, April 12, 2009

In Calif., Medical Marijuana Laws Are Moving Pot Into the Mainstream
Washington Post, April 11, 2009

Also see: NORML in the News