
Countering the Myths of Cannabis Banking

By Dama Financial Myth 1: It is illegal for Banks to serve Cannabis-related Businesses because marijuana is illegal under federal law. The Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”) makes it illegal under federal law to manufacture, distribute, or dispense marijuana. However, 10 states plus Washington D.C. have fully legalized marijuana and 33 states have legalized it for …

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A building with a bright blue exterior stands on a street corner. The word "Cookies" is written above the entrance, and the windows and doors are covered with wooden boards, hinting at recent closures. Several people are standing or walking near the building. The address number "8360" is visible. CA Norml

Consumer Warning: CA Cannabis Stores Being Hit with Robberies, Closures and Curfews

UPDATE 6/30/2020 – We have had several reliable, confirmed reports that police in San Francisco and Oakland are warning cannabis businesses that a second wave of robberies could happen over the July 4 weekend, especially on Saturday when police will be busy with fireworks celebrations, etc. Businesses are advised to take precautionary safety measures. It …

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A large group of people arranged in the shape of a cannabis leaf, viewed from above on a white background. Scattered individuals and small groups surround the main formation, highlighting the leaf silhouette—symbolizing the movement towards expanding cannabis rights in your community. CA Norml

Cal NORML Local Action Toolkit

UPDATED 12/3/2024 Arm yourself with resources for expanding cannabis rights in your community! The battleground for cannabis rights has often shifted to the local level, where many of California’s cities and counties are passing ordinances restricting marijuana businesses, cannabis lounges, cultivation rights, and more. Locals have the right to enact zoning ordinances, and often listen …

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A man stands at a podium with a seal that says "Governor of the State of California." He is wearing a dark suit and tie, speaking into a microphone with his hands gesturing. Discussing statutory changes, the background is a blue curtain, and an American flag is partially visible on the side. CA Norml

Gov. Newsom Signs Order Extending Cannabis ID Card Tax Breaks

UPDATE 6/30/20 – The Governor has extended ID cards for another 60 days. The extension is contained in Paragraph 25 of Executive Order N-71-20. (Originally paragraph 5 in executive order N-65-20).   May 19, 2020 – The Governor has issued an executive order extending the expiration date of Medical Marijuana Identification Cards (MMIC) issued by county health …

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A group of people stand in line outdoors at a community event. Individuals at a table distribute bags and manage paperwork. The setting appears informal with picnic tables and trees in the background. Some attendees, including veterans, wear caps and sunglasses, while others are in casual clothing. CA Norml

Remembering Our Veterans on Memorial Day

UPDATE: May 31, 2021 – The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act has been reintroduced in Congress. MORE would allow veterans to obtain medical cannabis recommendations from their VA doctors in states that have an established medical cannabis program. Please contact your Representative and tell them to support its swift passage. May 25, 2020 …

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Storefront of "Smoke Tokes Inc." in Los Angeles, displaying signage for wholesalers and distributors. Windows feature various smoking products, cannabis items, and related paraphernalia. A white car is parked in front of the store, and a bicycle is visible to the right. CA Norml

Cannabis Not Culpable in Los Angeles Fire

THIS STORY WILL BE UPDATED AS IT DEVELOPS May 18, 2020 – The explosion and fire at the “Smoke Tokes” facility in downtown Los Angeles, resulting in injuries to several firefighters, did not happen at a facility that contained cannabis, nor did it have any license for manufacturing or distributing cannabis products, according to a …

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A person with long hair wearing a black t-shirt with the text "VOTE FOR MARIJUANA" printed on it holds open their plaid shirt to display the message. Against a backdrop of green foliage and sunlight, they emphasize support for CA Special Elections on May 12. CA Norml

How to Vote for Marijuana in CA’s May 12 Special Elections

Two special elections are being held on Tuesday, May 12, in Congressional District 25 (parts of LA and Ventura counties) and in State Senate District 28 (in Riverside county). Vying for the open Congressional seat left vacant by Rep. Katie Hill are Democrat Christy Smith and Republican Mike Garcia. Smith, a California Assemblywoman, has a …

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A large white building with columns and a dome sits under a bright blue sky in Sacramento. An image of a cloud shaped like a cannabis leaf is in the sky above the building. Text at the bottom reads, "California NORML" with a website link, "www.CaNORML.org. CA Norml

Cannabis Bills to Watch in Sacramento in 2020

THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED AS BILLS ARE AMENDED OR VOTED ON. UPDATE 5/8/2020 – On May 21, the Assembly Business & Professions Committee will hear three bills, each of which would enact $30,000/day state fines for operating unlicensed cannabis businesses, or allowing property to be used for one. They are: AB 3330 (O’Donnell) – …

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