Three men stand at a podium with a "Cannabis Tax Reform" sign. Behind them are the American and CA flags, along with a blue backdrop featuring a government building and text reading "THE STATE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. CA Norml

Cannabis Tax Reform Gaining Traction in CA

January 21, 2020 – For the third year in a row, a bill has been to lower taxes on licensed cannabis products in California. Announced at a press conference by Asm. Rob Bonta (D-Alameda) along with co-sponsors Ken Cooley (D-Rancho Cordova) and Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale), the bill (AB 1948) seeks to eliminate cultivation taxes for …

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Three people stand in a row, smiling. The man in the center, wearing glasses and a suit, holds a plaque. The man on the left has glasses, a beard, and wears a suit with a red tie. The woman on the right wears a dark jacket. A beige curtain is in the background. CA Norml

Cal NORML’s 2019 Accomplishments and Plans for 2020

NORML will celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2020! Cal NORML keeps our members informed of cannabis news at the federal, state, and local levels through our newsletter, website, and weekly email alerts, as well as public outreach tables at events. Through NORML’s networks we generate thousands of constituent letters in favor of progressive bills, and …

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California Adds Cannabis Smoke and THC to Prop. 65 List of Reproductive Toxins

UPDATE: OEHHA Issues Notice of Modifications to Cannabis Smoke and Delta-9-THC Exposure Warnings​The CA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has proposed changes to the labeling of cannabis products and signage at venues​ where cannabis is smoked, vaped or dabbed following its ruling (opposed by CA NORML​) that cannabis smoke and THC are reproductive toxins. Comments regarding the proposed changes to the text of regulations will be accepted by OEHHA through October …

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Common Insurance Policy Contract Wording That All Cannabis and Hemp Businesses Should Avoid

By Shauna Blackburn of Cannabis Connect Insurance Services It is important to know that every cannabis business in the chain of custody (cultivation, processing, manufacturing, distributing, wholesalers and retailers alike) is responsible for tracking and protecting against product tampering. Below are some policy forms, exclusions, or endorsements often found on a general liability insurance policy …

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A close-up of two people exchanging cash on a glass display counter. One person is handing over dollar bills, while the other person's hand, wearing a gold watch, is poised near a transparent jar filled with more dollar bills. Three small glass containers are visible on the counter, perhaps for cannabis products endorsed by NORML. CA Norml

Cal NORML Denounces Cannabis Tax Hike

November 22, 2019 – The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration has announced two cannabis tax hikes effective January 1, 2020.  The perverse effect of this move will be to make legal, regulated cannabis even less economically competitive with the untaxed, unregulated legacy market. Cal NORML regards the moves as steps precisely in the …

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An illustration depicts a man standing at a fork in the road. One path leads to a pile of medication bottles and pills, while the other path leads to a cannabis plant. The scene symbolizes a choice between traditional pharmaceuticals and medical cannabis, highlighting issues like marijuana legalization. CA Norml

CMA House of Delegates Votes To Oppose Cannabis Pain Patient Discrimination

    November 11, 2019 – At their meeting at the end of October in Los Angeles, the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association voted to adopt a recommendation stating, “That CMA oppose policies of health plans, health systems, and hospitals that have pain management programs that automatically eliminate patients who use therapeutic …

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A slide titled "Recommendations to Protect Californians' Employment Rights and Workplace Safety" features diverse people on the left and bulleted recommendations on the right. Recommendations include revising laws and policies related to medical cannabis users and drug testing, discussed in a recent Senate hearing. CA Norml

Cal NORML Calls For Employment Rights for Cannabis Users at Senate Hearing

November 9, 2019 – California NORML called for state legislation to protect employment rights of cannabis consumers at an informational hearing on cannabis and employment held on Friday, November 8 in the Senate Labor, Public Employment, and Retirement committee. Find audio and video recordings of the hearing “Even though cannabis is now legal for adult …

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A bronze statue of Lady Justice, holding scales and a sword, stands in front of a green background. A wooden judge's gavel and sound block are placed beside the statue, symbolizing law and justice. The scene commemorates the Legal Seminar held in June 2021 by California NORML. CA Norml

States with Laws Protecting Patients’ Medical Rights

Arizona For the purposes of medical care, including organ transplants, a registered qualifying patient’s authorized use of marijuana must be considered the equivalent of the use of any other medication under the direction of a physician and does not constitute the use of an illicit substance or otherwise disqualify a registered qualifying patient from medical …

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A governmental meeting room in Sacramento with green chairs and a U-shaped arrangement of desks. Several people are seated while a few stand or sit at a central desk. American and California flags are visible. Text on the screen mentions a joint hearing of various CA Committees about vaping regulations. CA Norml

CA Committees Hold Hearing on Vaping in Sacramento

October 17, 2019 – Three California Assembly committees held a joint informational hearing on “Vaping Tobacco and Cannabis Products: Health Effects and Deficiencies in Regulation and Current Law” yesterday in Sacramento. Committee chairs Evan Low (Business & Professions), Jim Wood (Health), and Adam Gray (Governmental Organization) made opening remarks. Wood said that he was concerned …

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The image shows the California State Capitol building in bright daylight. Above the building, a cloud in the shape of a cannabis leaf stands out against the blue sky. The California NORML logo and website URL,, are displayed at the bottom, reminiscent of an activist's bill. CA Norml

Newsom Signs Bills Protecting Cannabis Compassion Programs and Students

UPDATE: THE LAW WILL TAKE EFFECT ON MARCH 1, 2020. October 14, 2019 – Governor Newsom has signed SB 34 (Wiener), to exempt compassion programs that give away cannabis to needy patients from taxation. He also signed into law SB 223 (Hill) to allow parents to bring cannabis medicines to their children at school (if …

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