A person sits at a table adorned with a green cloth that reads "Amsterdam University" in yellow, speaking into one of the multiple microphones placed before them. Next to the person is a banner that says, "Amsterdam University Founded 2007." They mention John Vasconcellos and his contributions to human rights. CA Norml

RIP John Vasconcellos, Champion of Human Rights

It is with sadness that Cal NORML reports the death of former California Senator John Vasconcellos at the age of 82. As well as his other accomplishments, Senator Vasconcellos was a champion of medical marijuana rights. In 2003, Vasconcellos authored SB420, which legalized medical marijuana collectives and established a baseline number of plants that could …

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The image shows the California State Capitol building with a clear blue sky. Above the building, there's a cloud shaped like a cannabis leaf. At the bottom, logos for California NORML and www.CaNORML.org are displayed, emphasizing support for SB 1262 related to medical marijuana regulation. CA Norml

CA Senate Health Committee Approves Medical Marijuana Regulation Bill (SB 1262-Correa)

SACRAMENTO, April 30. The California Senate Health Committee approved Sen. Correa’s medical marijuana regulation bill SB 1262 by a vote of 6-0 after the author amended it to satisfy the objections of opponents, including medical marijuana advocates, the California Medical Association, and county governments. In particular, the bill was amended to drop provisions restricting the …

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A line graph titled "California Auto Fatalities & Incidents Involving Marijuana: US NHTSA FARS Data 1999-2012." It shows a decline in fatal crashes and a slight increase in incidents involving marijuana detection, reflecting underlying accident stats and the emerging DUI crisis from 1999 to 2012. CA Norml

Accident Stats Show No Evidence of DUI Crisis in California

UPDATE 12:20 PM – AB2500 FAILED TO PASS THE ASSEMBLY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Thanks to all the NORML members and supporters who wrote in about this bill. April 29, 2014 – The growing popularity of marijuana has raised public worries about the risk of an increase in driving accidents due to marijuana DUIs. Fortunately, the …

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A white government building with a dome stands against a bright blue sky with fluffy clouds. A cloud in the shape of a cannabis leaf is visible in the sky, symbolizing Medical Marijuana. The bottom text reads "California NORML" and the website "www.CaNORML.org". CA Norml

Medical Marijuana Regulation Bills Advance in CA Legislature

SACRAMENTO, April 21-22. – Two medical MJ regulation bills – SB 1262 by Sen. Lou Correa and AB 1894 by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano – passed their first committee hearings in the California legislature this week, heightening the likelihood that the legislature will finally pass some kind of comprehensive state legislation for the legal sales, production, …

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A group of about 20 people posing outside a building in Sacramento County. They are arranged in two rows, with some standing and others kneeling or sitting. Dressed in casual and business attire, they smile at the camera, seemingly unaffected by the outdoor grows ban currently in place. CA Norml

Sacramento County Votes to Ban Outdoor Grows, Will Work With Advocates Towards Indoor Regulations

The Sacramento Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to ban outdoor medical marijuana cultivation in unincorporated areas of the county, but chose not to ban indoor cultivation and rather work with advocates to develop an indoor ordinance. The move came after Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan introduced two ordinances to ban both outdoor and indoor cultivation of medical …

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Medical Marijuana Regulation Bill Passes Senate Committee; Assembly Bill Up Tomorrow

April 21, 2014 – SB 1262 (Correa), a bill introduced by the California Police Chiefs Association and the California League of Cites, passed the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee today in Sacramento and will next be heard in the Senate Health Committee. In introducing the bill, Correa said the primary concern was public …

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Categories Uncategorized

Martinez Votes in Outdoor Cultivation Ban; Rejects Total Ban and Greenhouse Amendment

On Wednesday, April 16 the Martinez city council voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance outlawing the cultivation of medical marijuana outdoors “or within public view.” An amendment by councilmember Mark Ross to add language specifically ruling out greenhouses was rejected, as was the total ban that was called for by audience members. After a year-long …

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Categories Uncategorized
A smiling man with short, light-colored hair, wearing a light gray suit, white shirt, and a patterned tie, stands outdoors in front of an out-of-focus background. He appears confident and ready to discuss the latest developments in the Assembly regarding the Ammiano Medical Marijuana Regulation Bill. CA Norml

Ammiano Medical Marijuana Regulation Bill Back in Assembly

UPDATE 4/22 – AB 1892 passed the Assembly Public Safety committee by a 5-2 vote. SACRAMENTO – Tom Ammiano has re-introduced his medical marijuana regulation bill under a new bill number, AB 1894. The new bill will be heard in the Assembly later this month, effectively replacing his other bill, AB 604, which had been …

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Breaking the Taboo on Drug War Debate in San Francisco

On March 25, the San Francisco Drug Policy Alliance sponsored a showing of “Breaking the Taboo,” a film about the War on Drugs produced by Richard Branson’s son Sam’s indie Sundog Pictures and Brazilian co-production partner Spray Filmes. Afterwards, a panel featuring Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson, California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, San Francisco District …

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