Mixed Legislative News in Sacramento

SACRAMENTO August 14, 2013 – The California legislature delivered good and bad news for marijuana advocates after activists walked the State Capitol for a medical marijuana lobbying day this Monday. On the plus side, Sen. Ellen Corbett withdrew a bill (SB 648) that would have banned e-cigarettes and vaporizers in non-smoking areas. After being informed …

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Attorney General Eric Holder speaks at a podium with "Prison Sentencing Guidelines" displayed, addressing the SF ABA Meeting. The event, broadcast live on C-SPAN with an ABA logo in the background, focuses on mandatory minimum drug-crime sentences. "1:16 pm ET" is shown at the top right corner. CA Norml

AG Holder Calls for Rethinking Mandatory Minimum Drug-Crime Sentences at SF ABA Meeting

UPDATED 8/14/2013 August 12 – US Attorney General Eric Holder was aware that coming to California’s Bay Area meant encountering drug policy reform advocates. His May appearance at UC Berkeley law school saw him greeted by medical marijuana advocates, including a banner in the sky saying, “Holder: End RX Cannabis War” In advance of his …

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Black and white side profile portrait of an older man with short, white hair and a full beard and mustache. The man is wearing a dark suit and a bow tie. The background is dark, emphasizing his facial features and formal attire, reminiscent of California's dignitaries who saw the 100-year-old ban on marijuana. CA Norml

California’s 100-Year-Old Ban on “Indian Hemp” (aka Marijuana)

By Dale Gieringer, CalNORML director One hundred years ago, on August 10, 1913, an obscure law banning the possession of “Indian hemp” took effect in California. Also known as cannabis indica or hasheesh, Indian hemp had long been available in drugstores without causing any evident problems; hemp was also grown as a fiber crop in …

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Writers, Starlets and Mexicans: The History of Hollyweed

Angelinos awoke to art student Douglas Finegood’s interpretation of the Hollywood sign on January 1, 1976, the day marijuana was decriminalized in California. Another “vandal” altered the sign in the same way on January 1, 2017 to celebrate the passage of Prop. 64, legalizing adult recreational use. Los Angeles has had a remarkable relationship with …

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Over 21,000 Arrested in California on Marijuana Charges in 2012

The California Attorney General has released its 2012 Crime Report. According to the report, there were 13,434 felony marijuana arrests in California in 2012, continuing a downward trend from 14,082 in 2011. Hispanics were the most-arrested ethnic group, with 4953 felony arrests, followed by whites (4617), blacks (2745) and other races (1119). Juvenile felony arrests …

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Two men are posing for a photo in a room at the US/Mexico Summit. One is wearing a light shirt, patterned tie, dark jacket, and name badge. The other man is in a dark jacket, light shirt, red tie, and light-colored pants. They are both smiling and standing side by side. CA Norml

US/Mexico Summit Looks At Legalization, Research

CalNORML Director Dale Gieringer with former Mexican President Vicente Fox at the Summit San Cristobal, Mexico, Jul 18-20. This past weekend former Mexican President Vicente Fox hosted a symposium at Centro Fox, where delegates from the US, Mexico and Europe discussed legalizing and regulating marijuana as an alternative to Mexico’s bloody drug war. The symposium …

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Close-up of a person holding and using an electronic cigarette. The device emits vapor that clouds the area around their face, with a blue light glowing from the tip. Their mouth is slightly open, suggesting an inhale or exhale of the vapor, potentially highlighting concerns addressed in CA Bill Against E-Cigarettes (SB 648). CA Norml

CA Bill Against E-Cigarettes Harmful to Consumer Health: SB 648 Would Restrict Use of Medical Marijuana Vaporizers by Prop 215

Also see: Blowing smoke about e-cigarettes By Dale H. Gieringer Sacramento Bee Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014 UPDATE AUGUST 14: We’re happy to report that the author has pulled SB648 over concerns about its impact on medical marijuana patients. Thanks to the many NORML members who wrote or called their representatives. UPDATE 7/31/2013: The hearing on …

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Cal NORML Joins EFF Lawsuit Against NSA Surveillance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: California NORML 415-563-5858 July 16 – California NORML has joined as a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed today on behalf of 19 different groups by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against NSA’s phone surveillance program. California NORML members complain that the surveillance could have a “chilling effect” on their ability to continue …

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Former Mexican President Fox Urges Marijuana Legalization At San Francisco Meeting

July 8 – At a meeting with drug reform advocates in San Francisco, former Mexican President Vicente Fox expressed support for California’s efforts to legally regulate marijuana, medical and otherwise. Fox said that California has a strong cultural influence on Mexico, and that progress here would help efforts there. Other speakers included Steve DeAngelo from …

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Cal NORML Survey of US Court Records Shows Federal War On Medical Marijuana Rages Unabated; Over 480 Years in Prison Time for M

Jun 13, 2013 – In spite of growing public support for medical marijuana, concern about overreach by the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies, and cutbacks in federal spending, the U.S. government’s war on medical marijuana is raging unabated according to a survey of court records by Cal NORML. On Tuesday, Michigan medical …

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