Two Industrial Hemp Bills Introduced in California

Two bills to legalize production of industrial hemp have been introduced in the CA legislature:  SB 566 by Sen. Mark Leno (D-SF) and AB 1137 by Assemblyman Allan Mansoor (R-Huntington/Newport/Laguna Beach). Both bills would revise the definition of marijuana to exclude industrial hemp and authorize its production with the provision that its potency not exceed …

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News Archive 2012

CaNORML 2012 Accomplishments and Plans for 2013 In 2012, CalNORML fought off bad bills in Sacramento, advanced good ones, protested federal involvement, and continued to work at local levels on policy. We will kick off 2013 with a conference to mark the 100th anniversary of cannabis prohibition in California and plan for the end of …

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A man in a suit and red tie speaks at a podium labeled "University of San Francisco" in a crowded room. Many people are seated behind him, attentively listening as he discusses the recent Supreme Court ruling on the dispensary case. The room has a professional, formal setting. CA Norml

Supreme Court Hears All Sides of Dispensary Case

February 5 – The California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Riverside v. Inland Empire Patients Health and Wellness Center, a case determining whether or not a county may ban medical marijuana dispensaries within its borders. The justices, appearing at a special session at the hundredth anniversary of the UCSF law school, were equally hard …

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Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Tehama County Cultivation Ordinance

February 6 – The 3rd District Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of Tehama county on a challenge to their medical marijuana cultivation ordinance. “This isn’t the end of the battle,” said CalNORML director Dale Gieringer. “There appear to be other legal options to ensure that patients are not precluded from their access to …

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Daisy Bram’s Car Seized While in Family Court in Tehama County

January 30 – Daisy Bram, whose children were seized in Butte county last year because of a medical marijuana grow at her home, has now had her three children taken from her by Tehama county officials. When she arrived for an appearance in family court yesterday, officers blocked her car in the parking lot and …

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Daisy Bram’s Car Seized While in Family Court in Tehama County

January 30 – Daisy Bram, whose children were seized in Butte county last year because of a medical marijuana grow at her home, has now had her three children taken from her by Tehama county officials. When she arrived for an appearance in family court yesterday, officers blocked her car in the parking lot and …

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Daisy Bram’s Car Seized While in Family Court in Tehama County

January 30 – Daisy Bram, whose children were seized in Butte county last year because of a medical marijuana grow at her home, has now had her three children taken from her by Tehama county officials. When she arrived for an appearance in family court yesterday, officers blocked her car in the parking lot and …

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slide test

Image Slideshow

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slide test

////NO need to edit ///////////// /*********************************************** * Swiss Army Image slide show script – © John Davenport Scheuer: * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at for full original source code ***********************************************/ function preloadctrl(im){ if (typeof im==’string’){ var imo=new Image(); imo.src=im; } } if(document.images&&typeof preload_ctrl_images!=’undefined’&&preload_ctrl_images){ var ctrlimgs=[previmg, …

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