Pictures and Videos from Cannabis in California: Ending the 100 Year War Conference

LISTEN TO THE FULL AUDIO FILES OF THE CONFERENCE, HOSTED BY KMUD RADIO Hear Ann Lee’s speech. Hear John Gilmore’s speech. Read more about the conference. Michael Aldrich: Cannabis Pioneer CalNORML Director Dale Gieringer speaks on the Origins of Cannabis Prohibition in California Author Mike Gray on how the country went Drug Crazy. Graham Boyd …

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US District Court Rejects Marijuana Rescheduling Petition

January 22, 2013 – Jon Gettman, head of the Coalition to Reschedule Cannabis, reports that the US Court of Appeals has turned down our appeal of the DEA’s rejection of our cannabis rescheduling petition. This means that advocates must go directly to Congress and the administration to reverse the DEA’s ongoing blockade against research and …

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Shasta County to Vote on Outdoor Medical Marijuana Ban

UPDATE January 29, 2014 – The Board voted in an outdoor ban, to take effect in 30 days, overriding the Planning Commission’s recommendation to allow outdoor grows on larger parcels. Read more. UPDATE January 16, 2013 – The Shasta Board has established a medical marijuana advisory committee, and expects to take up the issue again …

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January 3, 2013 – For years,  law enforcement officials have been blaming Mexican “cartels” for illegal marijuana growing in California’s national forests. For years, Cal NORML has told the press that there is no evidence of any organized “cartel” involvement  in domestic MJ production.  Rather, production is highly disorganized, with many teams of Mexicans – …

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January 3, 2013 – For years,  law enforcement officials have been blaming Mexican “cartels” for illegal marijuana growing in California’s national forests. For years, Cal NORML has told the press that there is no evidence of any organized “cartel” involvement  in domestic MJ production.  Rather, production is highly disorganized, with many teams of Mexicans – …

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CMCR Study: Vaporized, Low-Potency Cannabis Mitigates Neuropathic Pain

January 3, 2013 – Yet another study from California’s Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research shows cannabis to be effective for neuropathic pain. This one found that low doses of vaporized cannabis suffice.   The evidence is now compelling that cannabis deserves serious consideration as a first-line treatment for chronic neuropathic pain.  Despite this, Cal NORML …

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New Year Marks Centennial of Marijuana Prohibition in California

Jan 1, 2013: This New Year marks the 100th anniversary of the war on cannabis in California. In 1913, the state Board of Pharmacy led the legislature to pass a bill outlawing possession of “Indian hemp.” The law was the opening shot in a century-long prohibitionist campaign that has cost the state millions of arrests …

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Reported Drop in CA Marijuana Arrests: Less Than Meets the Eye

California NORML Release — December 11, 2012 Reported marijuana arrests dropped sharply as California’s new decriminalization law took effect in 2011, but the apparent decline is deceptive because it doesn’t count thousands of minor possession offenses that are no longer reported under the new law. Newly released data from the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center …

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