Cal NORML Denounces Federal Crackdown on Medical Cannabis

February 15 – In a report to Congress, Cal NORML described the Dept of Justice’s attack on medical marijuana providers in California as arbitrary, inconsistent, disrespectful of state and local laws, and destructive of efforts to regulate medical marijuana. In addition, the national NORML board of directors unanimously voted to condemn the actions, and CalNORML …

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Cal NORML Release Jan 24, 2012 SACRAMENTO: The California legislature will soon be voting on two marijuana reform bills that seem to be more popular with the public than with the politicians in Sacramento: SB 129 by Sen. Leno, which would prohibit employment discrimination against medical marijuana patients, and AB 1017 by Tom Ammiano, which …

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Advocates Back CA Medical MJ Regulation Initiative for 2012 Ballot

UPDATE 3/8/2012 – Safe Access Now and UFCW are working with the California legislature on a bill, AB2312, containing many of the provisions of MMRCT. Monies raised towards the initiative will be spent lobbying for the bill. January 23, 2012 – A comprehensive initiative to revamp California’s medical marijuana laws has been filed for the …

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News Archive 2011

CaNORML Accomplishments for 2011 and Plans for 2012 Dec. 18, 2011 – To say 2011 was a busy year would be an understatement. Read about our plans for 2012. Following up on the strong but losing campaign of the Prop. 19 legalization initiative, Cal NORML began the year with statewide activist conferences to plan the …

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State Sees Spate of Initiative Proposals: Five Different Measures Seek Signatures for Ballot

Five marijuana initiatives are vying to collect signatures for the November 2012 ballot, ranging from medical marijuana reform and decrim to outright legalization. Three initiatives have been filed to legalize marijuana for adult use, following up on the surprisingly strong Prop 19 legalization initiative of 2010, while one is specifically directed to the urgent issue …

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CaNORML Accomplishments for 2011 and Plans for 2012

See our plans for 2012 To say 2011 was a busy year would be an understatement. Following up on the strong but losing campaign of the Prop. 19 legalization initiative, Cal NORML began the year with statewide activist conferences to plan the future of marijuana reform in California. As the year progressed, our energies were …

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NORML Attorneys Challenge Federal Crackdown

Nov, 7, 2011 – NORML attorneys notified the federal government today that they were filing suit against the crackdown on medical marijuana in all four federal court districts of California. The lawsuit cites multiple constitutional arguments and seeks an immediate TRO or injunction against the DOJ in federal court. -DG See a copy of the …

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Statewide Coalition Protests Federal Attack on Medical Marijuana – Sacramento, Nov 9th

California NORML Press Release – Nov 7, 2011 Prop. 215 supporters from around the state will be protesting the federal government’s attack on medical marijuana at the U.S. Courthouse in Sacramento, 501 I Street, this Wednesday, Nov. 9th at noon. The protest is sponsored by a coalition of organizations including California NORML. This week marks …

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