Cannabis May Cure Cancer; But US Doctors Will Have a Hard Time Finding That Out

UPDATE 10/17: NIH’s website now states: “Cannabinoids may have benefits in the treatment of cancer-related side effects.” It had said: “The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep.” Also see: Government-Run Cancer Institute Quietly Acknowledges That Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells August …

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Unhappy Birthday: 50th Anniversary of Single Convention Treaty Outlawing Cannabis (March 30, 1961)

Coming April 29th – 100th Anniversary of First State Anti-Cannabis Law Mar 30th, 2011 – Today marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Single Convention Treaty on Narcotic Drugs, which initiated the international policy of cannabis prohibition. Pursuant to the treaty, cannabis is prohibited in every single country in the world (including the …

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Vote Delayed on SB 129 – MMJ Employment Rights Bill

SACRAMENTO, March 29 – The California Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings today on Mark Leno’s bill to protect employment rights for medical marijuana users, SB 129, but the vote was delayed for another week due to illness of a committee member. The committee heard powerful testimony from Peter O’Neill, who was fired as an assistant …

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San Diego City Council Passes Botched Dispensary Ordinance

UPDATE: May 30, 2011 – SAN DIEGO’s BOTCHED CANNABIS ORDINANCE SUSPENDED BY REFERENDUM Congratulations to the California Cannabis Coalition and Citizens for Patients Rights for collecting over 46,000 signatures to suspend San Diego’s ill-considered medical cannabis ordinance severely restricting collectives. The ordinance was officially suspended as of 4:20 PM, Friday May 27th, when the signatures …

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Next Steps LA Conference Photos

The conference was held on March 19, 2011 at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood. Congressional candidate Marcy Winogrand and Assemblymember Jim Beall spoke on the Public Perspectives panel. West Hollywood Mayor Pro Tempore John Duran with conference co-sponsor Dale Gieringer of California NORML. UCLA School of Public Policy professor Mark Kleiman said attending the …

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Key Pot Bills Introduced in Sacramento: Employment Rights, Cultivation Decrim, MMJ Regulation on the Table

Cal NORML Reports March, 2011 SACRAMENTO. Several important cannabis reform bills have been introduced to the California legislature. They include protecting Prop 215 patients from workplace discrimination, reducing cultivation penalties, legalizing industrial hemp, and establishing full-scale medical marijuana licensing schemes. In the State Senate, Mark Leno (D-SF), has re-introduced a bill to protect medical marijuana …

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 23, 2011 Contact: Quintin Mecke Office: 415-557-3013; Cell: 415.505.2417 Sacramento – Sponsored by Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster, Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) has introduced a bill, AB 1017, which would change section 11358 of the Health and Safety Code from a mandatory felony penalty to an alternate felony or …

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CalNORML to Appeal Court Decision Upholding Tehama Anti-Medical Marijuana Ordinance

Also see: Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Tehama County Cultivation Ordinance UPDATE February 20: CalNORML has filed its appeal. UPDATE February 6: California NORML will appeal a court decision upholding Tehama’s ordinance restricting patients’ right to grow medical marijuana. The ordinance, which declares it a nuisance to cultivate any marijuana at all – indoors …

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News Archive 2009

December 2009 CaNORML 2009 Accomplishments and Plans for 2010 California NORML is proud to have been on the forefront of marijuana reform in 2009, a year that marked a memorable turning point in the movement as legalization finally emerged as a serious political issue. Your support for CalNORML will help us move this issue forward …

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