DEA Raids Two Los Angeles Collectives

August 12 – According to press and eyewitness reports, the DEA and other federal and local agencies raided two Los Angeles cannabis collectives today, as well as the residences of collective officials. Officials say more than 20 people from various agencies served a state search warrant at around 11 a.m. at the Organica Collective in …

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Governor’s Prison Plan: Don’t Tax Pot, Steal a Car

SEE AUG. 22 UPDATE August 10 – As California considers how to reduce prison spending, it has overlooked releasing non-violent marijuana prisoners in favor of car thieves. Later this month, the legislature will be debating a plan by Gov. Schwarzenegger to reduce $1.2 billion in prison spending as part of the state’s budget deal. Last …

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CaNORML Invites Drug Czar Kerlikowske on Fact-Finding Tour

After Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske pronounced “Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit,” in Fresno last week, California NORML cordially invites Kerlikowske to come and interview a few real, live medical marijuana patients, physicians, researchers and providers next time he visits California. If the government can’t get medical marijuana straight, how can we expect …

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Governor’s Prison Cuts Exclude Marijuana Offenses

July 23 – The Governor’s proposed prison cuts would reduce penalties for car theft, writing bad checks, and receiving stolen property, but not for the victimless crimes of cultivating or selling marijuana. It’s time to tell the Gov. that his priorities aren’t in order. – D. Gieringer Read more. Attacks BOE Report, CaNORML

July 13 – A story by Joseph Abrams of begins, “California’s tax board says the state could reap about $1.4 billion by taxing their biggest cash crop — marijuana — but their estimate appears to be based on hazy ‘studies’ conducted by marijuana advocates.” CalNORML director Dale Gieringer writes: “While Fox news is right …

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Oakland Approves Nation’s First Cannabis Business Tax

July 22 – Last night’s landslide victory for Oakland’s cannabis business tax, Measure F, by 79.9% mirrors the historic 79.6% victory of San Francisco’s path-breaking medical marijuana initiative, Prop. P, in 1991. Like Prop. P, Measure F seems destined to serve as a model for cannabis reform elsewhere in the state and country. Measure F …

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LA City Council Introduces Two Reform Proposals and Approves Two More (UPDATED)

July 23 – Prop 215 advocates should take a close look at the LA City Council’s resolution calling for clarification of state medical marijuana laws. The resolution outlines several measures that the council would like to see implemented, among them state licensing and standards for dispensaries, a requirement that they organize as “mutual benefit corporations,” …

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Marijuana Legalization Bill Would Net California $1.38 Billion in Revenues

Board of Equalization, Cal NORML Agree On Benefits of Ammiano Bill AB 390 July 15 – Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s marijuana legalization bill would net California $1.38 billion in tax revenues per year, according to a newly released analysis by the State Board of Equalization. The BOE’s estimate parallels a similar analysis by California NORML, which …

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New CBS Poll Shows Increasing Support for Legalization Nationally

July 15 – A new nationwide CBS News poll reports 41% support for marijuana legalization. This is a 10% jump since the last CBS poll just four months ago! The West shows highest support: 46% for, 48% against (support would likely be higher within California). The under 35 age group is supportive; a majority of …

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