The California Marijuana Report

The California Marijuana Report with former Westwood One news reporter, KGO radio producer, screen actor and Libertarian activist Eric Brenner. The CMR is a new weekly segment on the NORML DAILY AUDIO STASH. This podcast will focus on California marijuana news and music. We go beyond the headlines and interview elected officials and marijuana law …

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VA Allows Medical Marijuana for Pain

UPDATE December 8, 2017 – The VA has issued VHA Policy Directive 2017-1315 stating, “Veterans must not be denied VHA services solely because they are participating in State-approved marijuana programs.” The directive, signed by Executive in Charge Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D., replaces VHA Directive 2011-004 which had the same language. The new directive is scheduled …

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CAMP Season Begins

Jun 22 – The CAMP (Campaign Against Marijuana Planting) marijuana eradication helicopter program is starting operation today, according to reporter Glenda Anderson of the Sonoma Press-Democrat. This is two weeks earlier than the traditional start of CAMP. Authorities say that more gardens are being planted early, perhaps due to the introduction of new varieties. – …

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Rep. Frank Re-Introduces Bill to Recognize State Medical Marijuana Laws – HR 2835

Cal NORML thanks Rep. Barney Frank for re-introducing his bill to let states legally regulate medical marijuana. The bill, HR 2835, known as the Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act, would exempt California and other states with medical marijuana laws from federal laws prohibiting the prescription, recommendation, possession, production, or distribution of medical marijuana. It would …

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LA Continues Reviewing Hardship Exemptions

29 Medical Marijuana Hardship Hearings Set for Monday, June 29th The Los Angeles Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee will be holding a special meeting next Monday June 29, 2009 to hear 29 medical marijuana hardship exemption applications. Read more. When: Monday June 29, 2009 Time: 8:30 AM Location: Los Angeles City Hall 200 …

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State, Federal Efforts to Clarify Medical Marijuana Policy

On June 8, State Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) introduced a SJR 14, which calls for a comprehensive federal policy to ensure safe and legal access to medical marijuana for patients who benefit from its therapeutic use. “When passed, this resolution will clearly state the Legislature’s opposition to federal interference with California’s medical marijuana law …

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SAN FRANCISCO – May 18th. US District Judge Marilyn Patel sentenced Eddy Lepp to ten years mandatory minimum for having grown over 1,000 marijuana plants for a medical marijuana garden in Lake County. Patel called the sentence “excessive,” but said she had no choice under federal law. In addition, she sentenced Lepp to five years …

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May 18, 2009 – The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear case #08-887 San Diego County v. San Diego NORML et al., leaving in place an appeals court ruling holding that California law trumps federal law over medical marijuana. San Diego filed suit after San Diego NORML threatened to sue the county for failing …

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Bakersfield Medical Marijuana Coop Raided

May 7 – Kern County deputies accompanied by two DEA agents served a search warrant yesterday at the Green Cross Compassionate Co-Op Bakersfield. Deputies said they found two pounds of “high grade” marijuana and two loaded handguns. Three men, Albert Juarez, 40; Adam Romero Valenzuela, 27; and Brandon Neal Luck, 24 were arrested and charged …

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Schwarzenegger Open to Debate on Legalization

May 5 – Asked today about a recent Field Poll showing that 56 percent of registered voters support legalizing and taxing marijuana in California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said “Well, I think it’s not time for that, but I think it’s time for a debate.” “I think all of those ideas of creating extra revenues, I’m …

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