New War on Paraphernalia in Southern California

November 14, 2008 – In an unusual development, two Imperial Beach paraphernalia shops were raided by San Diego County Sheriffs on October 22 after a several-months-long undercover investigation. Sheriffs reportedly seized several thousand items of suspected drug paraphernalia, including pipes and bongs, from the shops Up in Smoke and Inner Visions. Two misdemeanor arrests were …

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CA Prop 5 Loses, But Marijuana Reform Measures Run Strong Nationwide

November 4, 2008 – On a successful night for marijuana reform initiatives nationwide, Californians roundly rejected Prop. 5, the Non-violent Offenders Rehabilitation Act, by 40-60%. NORA would have diverted non-violent drug possession offenders to treatment instead of prison and would have lowered small-scale marijuana possession to an infraction from a misdemeanor. Prop 5 lost in …

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Ca Supreme Court Allows Medical Marijuana Ruling to Stand

October 16, 2008 – The California Supreme Court today declined to review a lawsuit filed by San Diego, Merced and San Bernardino counties claiming federal laws supercede California’s medical marijuana law. The counties’ challenge was rejected by the San Diego Superior Court in 2006, and that court’s decision was upheld in July by the 4th …

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2008 Election Round-Up

Voters who want marijuana reform should be mindful of one thing this year: change is needed in Washington, DC. Twelve years after passage of Prop. 215, California has done everything it can to allow legal access to medical cannabis without a change in federal policy. A truly legal distribution system remains politically impossible so long …

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Governor Vetoes Employment Rights Legislation

Sacramento, September 30, 2008 – Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed Assemblyman Mark Leno’s bill to protect workers’ right to use medical marijuana. The bill, AB 2279, would have made it illegal for employers to discriminate against workers in non-safety-sensitive jobs for using marijuana as medicine. In his veto message, the governor said, “I am concerned with interference …

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: 9/19/08 CONTACT: Dale Gieinger, CaNORML 415-563-5858 RECORD JUMP IN MARIJUANA ARRESTS IN CALIFORNIA California posted a record surge in marijuana arrests in 2007, according to data from the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center. Altogether, there were 74,119 arrests for marijuana in 2007, up 13% from the year before. This marks the …

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Feds Close Santa Barbara Medical Cannabis Coops

DEA Targets City-Regulated Facitilites: Dep’t of Republican Justice? Cal. NORML Release – Sept 18, 2008 In response to federal threats of forfeiture, Santa Barbara’s medical marijuana coops are closing their doors as of this Friday, September 19th. At an extraordinary meeting on Aug 5-6th, the Department of Justice and DEA warned landlords of Santa Barbara’s …

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CA Legislature 2007-8 Session Ends

The California legislature ended its regular session for 2007-8 after approving an important piece of cannabis reform legislation: Mark Leno’s bill AB 2279 to ban employment discrimination against medical marijuana patients. Urge the Governor to sign AB 2279 Altogether, the legislature voted on three cannabis reform measures in the two-year session. The State Senate approved …

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Santa Barbara Medical Marijuana Crackdown

AUGUST 27, 2008 – In a widening federal crackdown against medical cannabis collectives in Santa Barbara, a federal grand jury indicted John Seidenberg, 41, of Santa Ynez on Aug. 26th for growing two medical marijuana gardens for the Hortipharm collective. Seidenberg, who was originally arrested on state charges, had been preparing a Prop. 215 defense …

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New AG Guidlines Don’t Substantially Conflict With Previous Guidelines

August 27, 2008 – Attorney General Jerry Brown’s office issued long-awaited guidelines on medical marijuana enforcement this week: Read the guidelines. For the most part, the AG’s guidelines are consistent with the opinion of California NORML’s attorneys and with the advice to providers previously posted at our website. However, there are certain respects in which …

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