The image depicts the California state flag with a modification: a bear is placing a ballot into a voting box labeled "VOTE," symbolizing citizens' engagement in decisions like California Prop 64 Marijuana Law. The flag retains its traditional elements, including the bear, a red star, and the text "CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC. CA Norml

What’s Legal, and What Isn’t, After Prop. 64

Download a .pdf version of this page November 9, 2016 – Californians have approved Prop. 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) by a margin of 57%. The approval of Prop. 64 by the nation’s largest state should send a powerful message to lawmakers in Washington, DC and the world to end marijuana prohibition. …

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A promotional poster for a Prop 64 party featuring a man with a goatee and mustache, titled "YES ON 64 PARTY." Celebrate Election Night Parties with live comedy and music by Medicinal Mike on November 8th, 2016, at Andaz Rooftop, San Diego, CA. The event is from 8 PM to 2 AM, with no cover charge. CA Norml

Election Night Parties 2016

All Parties are on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 DPA LA party 8 PM – 2 AM Kyoto Gardens at Double Tree by Hilton 120 S. Los Angeles St., LA Live Broadcast of, jazz music, light refreshments, cash bar. (The party is free but RSVP is required for admission. [email protected].) BPG Party 8PM-2AM The New …

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Logo design of the League of California Cities. The abstract, curved blue shape on the left resembles waves or a stylized letter "L" in a box. Prop. 64 initiatives like Cannabis Commerce are pivotal to their mission. The organization's name is written in uppercase serif font to the right of the graphic element. CA Norml

Under Prop. 64, Locals That Ban Personal Outdoor Cultivation or Cannabis Commerce Would Lose Tax Dollars

Although Cal NORML doesn’t see the need for any local ordinance to regulate six-plant gardens as required by Prop. 64, we have posted a draft ordinance that would allow for outdoor, greenhouse, and indoor personal gardens. Track your local activity and get active! See Cal City and County Ban Watch Facebook Page October 31, 2016 …

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The Great Seal of the State of California features a golden border, Minerva with a shield, a grizzly bear, ships on water, mountains, a miner with a pickaxe, and sheaves of grain. The word "Eureka" appears above Minerva, symbolizing discovery. Prop. 64 also represents key amendments in state policies. CA Norml

Tax and Fee Changes for Medical Marijuana Patients upon Prop. 64 Passage

UPDATE 11/22: State leaders scramble to delay tax break for medical marijuana patients October 28, 2016 – The California State Board of Equalization has issued an announcement about the effect of Proposition 64 on sellers of medical marijuana. The BOE states that if Proposition 64 passes, effective November 9, 2016, qualified patients or their primary …

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A map of the United States labeled "Where Will Recreational Marijuana Be Legal Next?" with states shaded to indicate the status of Prop. 64 and overall marijuana legalization. States are marked as Currently Legal, Could Be Legal Soon, or Illegal. Includes data sources at the bottom. CA Norml

California to Cast Crucial Vote on Prop. 64 for Adult Marijuana Legalization

Californians will join the voters of Arizona, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts in voting on an initiative to legalize adult use of marijuana on November 8th. California’s Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), would let adults use and buy marijuana legally in the nation’s largest state. Although Prop 64 has drawbacks and isn’t …

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A map of the United States highlighting the states under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. These states, where MMJ patients and gun rights debates often intersect, include Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. CA Norml

Ninth Circuit Court Protects MMJ Patients Against Feds, Upholds Infringement on Their Gun Rights

August 2016 – Advocates cheered when a three-judge panel of the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously on August 16 that the US Department of Justice may not prosecute medical marijuana operations that are in compliance with state law. The ruling rested on the Rohrabacher/Farr amendment, a rider to the federal budget bill …

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Image of the California State Capitol building with a clear blue sky. A cloud shaped like a marijuana leaf floats above the building, signifying perhaps another busy session for the State Legislature. The bottom of the image features the logo for California NORML and their website URL, CA Norml

State Legislature Ends Busy Session

Excerpted from Cal NORML’s October 2016 newsletter. Join Cal NORML today and receive all the news and analysis by mail or email. UPDATED 8:46 AM 9/29/16 SACRAMENTO, Sept. 29 – This year’s legislative session saw a record number of marijuana bills, both good and bad, in Sacramento. Happily the worst ones were all defeated, and …

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A vintage-style sign reading "MARIJUANA" stands against a backdrop of a blue sky with scattered clouds. Palm trees with tall trunks and sparse fronds stand to the left of the sign, suggesting a warm, sunny location—reminiscent of California before the Post-64 Reform Agenda and Cal NORML movements. CA Norml

Cal NORML’s Post-64 Reform Agenda

See Cal NORML’s analysis of Prop. 64. The following suggested legislative fixes to Proposition 64 were discussed and agreed upon at Cal NORML’s membership meeting on September 8. (1) Expand areas where marijuana can be used for medical and adult use, particularly when vaporized. (2) Protect cannabis users from discrimination in employment, housing, parental and …

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Seven people sit at a long table in a conference room, facing an audience. Behind them, the screen displays the "California Growers Association" logo. The individuals, including cannabis farmers and regulators, appear to be participating in a panel discussion. An American flag is visible in the background. CA Norml

California Regulators Speak to Cannabis Farmers

Left to Right: Blanco (labor), Farnsworth (pesticides), Morland (BOE), Woods (DPH), Schultz (water), Tsou (BMCR), Morris (agriculture). UPDATE: Cannabis was discussed at a CDFA board meeting on August 2. See video. July 29 – Regulators from seven different state agencies, including the new Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation, spoke at a policy workshop sponsored by …

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Will the “Taxapolooza” Kill California’s Golden Ganja Goose?

Take Action on State Legislation Imposing Medical Marijuana Cultivation Tax Update: LA County may scrap its taxation plan. “If you can’t ban ’em, tax ’em” seems to be the new local government mantra as a new “Taxapolooza” replaces the “Banapolooza” that wreaked havoc on medical marijuana patients’ cultivation rights across California earlier this year. Two …

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