Cal NORML 2023 Priorities Survey Results

local-action-toolkitResults from Cal NORML’s 2023 Priorities Survey are in!

Thanks to all who took the time to answer the survey and let us know what cannabis reform issues are important to you. Your answers will inform our decisions about where to put our energies on behalf of California’s cannabis consumers’ rights and safety in 2023.

Some key results:


  • 91% said legalizing at the national level was important, the top answer
  • 87% said taxes should be eliminated for medical marijuana patients with an ID card or recommendation
  • 76% said more affordable access for medical cannabis patients was important; another 17% said it was somewhat important


  • 73% said lowering taxes on cannabis products was important, with another 20% saying it was somewhat important
  • 68% said that lowering the excise tax to 5 or 10% (from 15%) would make them more likely to buy cannabis products from legal outlets.


  • 67% said easing regulations on small business and equity applicants was important; another 25% said it was somewhat important
  • 49% said cracking down on illegal sellers was important; 27% said it was somewhat important, 17% said it wasn’t important and 7% were opposed
  • 35% said cracking down on illegal growers was important; 22% said it was somewhat important, 30% said it was not important and 13% were opposed


  • 44% said opening more cannabis retail outlets was important; 38% rated it somewhat important
  • 37% said opening cannabis lounges is important; another 30% said it was somewhat important


  • 73% said protecting parents and expectant mothers from legal hassles for cannabis use was important; 19% said it was somewhat important
  • 42% said allowing sales of firearms to cannabis users was important; 18% called it somewhat important, 25% said it wasn’t important and 15% were opposed


  • 45% said better product labeling was important; 39% said it somewhat important and 14% said it was not important
  • 8% said they had overdosed on cannabis badly enough to require medical attention, or they knew someone who did. Of those overdoses, 41% were caused by edibles, 18% by dabs or concentrates.
  • 78% favored better labeling and packaging of products to prevent accidental overdose
  • 17% enjoy artificially flavored vape concentrates.


  • 86% answered “Yes” (48%) or “Maybe” (38%) when asked, “When shopping for consumer or business products or services, does a company’s support of cannabis consumers’ rights affect your choice?”
  • 80% said their vote was always or usually influenced by a candidate’s position on marijuana legalization, and 63% said they consulted Cal NORML’s Smoke the Vote guide before voting.


Respondents were asked to name priorities not mentioned in the survey. Those included: expand homegrow access, public use spaces, quality control of cannabis, better availability of medical grade flower strains, direct sales from small growers to medical patients, and overturn smoking bans in housing. Cal NORML is working on many of these issues also, at a state and local level.

Get involved with NORML at the federal, state and local levels to help us move these reforms forward in 2023 and beyond. 

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