Cal NORML/ASA Lobby Day: May 10, 2022 in Sacramento

Thank You, Lobby Day Sponsors!

Join Cal NORML and ASA (Americans for Safe Access) at Lobby Day 2022 as a citizen lobbyist for your rights as a cannabis consumer in California!

Sponsor Lobby Day!

This year’s Lobby Day will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2022. We will meet in the morning at the Capitol Events Center, where you will learn about pending bills and get lobbying tips. In the afternoon, you will meet with lawmakers or their staffs at appointments we will set for you once you sign up to attend. The day will end with an afterparty and reception on the patio at Cafeteria 15L.

The bills on which we’ll be lobbying include:

AB 2188 (Quirk) – Employment Rights for Cannabis Users
AB 1954 (Quirk) – Pain Patients’ Rights
• Tax reduction measures
SB 1186 (Wiener) –  Access to medical marijuana delivery
AB 2595 (Jones-Sawyer) – parental rights
AB 1885 (Kalra) – Veterinary use
SB 1097 (Pan) – (OPPOSE) – Unnecessary label warnings
AB 1706 (Bonta)  – Expede resentencing
SB 1293 (Bradford) – Income tax credits for equity applicants and licensees 
• AB 2691 (Wood) – allow small farmers to sell direct to consumers at events


Capitol Event Center – 1020 11th St. (between J and K Streets)
10 AM – 12 PM; doors open at 9:15
Gather for training/legislative overview; pick up your afternoon appointment information
Senator Bradford will be appearing at 10 AM; be sure to get there on time! 

LUNCH BREAK (on your own)

1 PM – 5 PM
Attendees will go to the “temporary” or “swing space” Capitol building on the South side of capitol park (on O Street) for appointments with your elected representatives or their staffs. 

Afterparty / Reception
5 PM – 7 PM
Cafeteria 15L

Buy your tickets

Sponsor Lobby Day

To learn more, write here.

Lobby Day Ticket 2022

Lobby Day Ticket 2022


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