Cannabis Bills Sent to Governor for Signature

UPDATED 10/1/18 3:17 AM

Governor Brown met his deadline of Sunday, Sept. 30 to sign or veto bills from this year’s legislative session.

He signed a bill to automatically resentence past marijuana convictions, but vetoed one to protect cannabis compassion programs that give away medicine to indigent patients, and another to allow parents to bring cannabis medicines to their children at school.

He also signed bills to allow veterenarians to discuss cannabis with pet owners, establish a statewide equity program for cannabis businesses, and expand the venues where cannabis events can be held.

The Governor signed:

AB 1793 (Bonta), which would automatically expunge or resentence past marijuana convictions;

SB 1409, (Wilk) to facilitate cultivation of industrial hemp;

AB 2215 (Kalra), to allow veterenarians to discuss cannabis with pet owners;

SB 1459 (Cannella), to allow for provisional licenses for cannabis businesses, extending temporary licenses;

AB 2402 (Low), to prohibit a cannabis licensee from disclosing a consumer’s personal information;

SB 1294 (Bradford), to establish a statewide equity program for cannabis businesses;

AB 2899 (Rubio/Cooper) prohibiting advertising by businesses with suspended cannabis licenses;

AB 2721 (Quirk), to allow individuals to test their home-grown cannabis at a testing lab;

AB 1741, to allow for electronic funds transfer of cannabis taxes;

AB 873, which would allow Department of Food and Agriculture employees to serve warrants and make arrests, if trained to do so;

AB 3112, (Grayson) outlawing sale of non-odorized butane to consumers;

SB 311 (Pan), clarifying that a marijuana distributor can transport pot to another distributor;

AB 3261 (Low), to define a microbusiness for purposes of the act consistent with that licensing authorization and make other related nonsubstantive changes;

AB 2020 (Quirk), to expand the venues where cannabis events can be held;

AB 2255 (Lackey), to prohibit transporters from carrying more cannabis than stated on the shipping manifest;

AB 2799 (Jones-Sawyer) – Adult-use cannabis and medicinal cannabis: license application: OSHA training;

AB 2914 (Cooley) prohibiting alcohol licensees from serving cannabis or alcoholic beverages containing cannabinoids.

He vetoed:

SB 829 (Wiener), to protect compassion programs that donate cannabis to needy patients, on grounds it conflicts with existing law;

SB 1127 (Hill), to allow parents to give their children medical cannabis on school grounds, saying it was overly broad in that it wasn’t limited only to children with seizures;

AB 1863, to allow licensed commercial cannabis businesses to deduct business expenses under state personal income tax law;

AB 2980 (Gipson), allowing common spaces to be shared at cannabis businesses;

AB 2058 (Chau), to gather statistics on cannabis DUIs separately from other DUI offenses VETOED ALONG WTIH DMV BILLS;

SB 1451 (Fuller), to add penalties for underage sales VETOED AS UNNECESSARY;

AB 1996 (Lackey), to allow the California Cannabis Research Program to cultivate cannabis for its use in research and expand the purview of the program VETOED AS CONFLICTING WITH PROP. 64;

AB 3069 by Assemblyman Jim Cooper, (D-Elk Grove), which would have allowed the industry to hold educational events for public officials. VETOED. In his veto message, Brown said the bill was unnecessary because nothing in the law precludes such events.

Passing and chaptered into law are AJR-27 (Low), a resolution to urge the United States Department of Justice not to direct its enforcement priorities towards California’s lawful cannabis industry, and AJR 28 (Jones-Sawyer), to urge the Congress and the President to pass legislation that would allow financial institutions to provide services to the cannabis industry. (Resolutions do not require the Governor’s signature.)

Failing to advance this session were:

AB 2069 (Bonta), to protect employment rights for medical cannabis patients;

AB 3157, to temporarily reduce taxes on cannabis and cannabis products;

SB 1302, which would have allowed cannabis deliveries by licensed businesses across the state;

SB 930, which would have created a cannabis charter bank;

AB 2641, which would have allowed cannabis cultivators to sell their products at four events yearly;

AB 924, the CREATE Act (Tribal cannabis);

AB 2513, which would have eliminated the statewide narcotics offenders registry;

AB 2866, to add criminal penalties for cannabis offenses ;

AB 2520, to create an Illegal Marijuana Task Force.

Cal NORML helped defeat SB 1273, which would have suspended drivers’ licenses of underage drivers convicted of a cannabis DUI.

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