A presentation slide titled "What does the data tell us?" shows a graph and text about the cannabis market in 2024. It highlights a decrease in retail sales value by 4.4%, growth in units sold by 5.2%, and a decline in licenses by 18%. Additionally, it notes that the cannabis market is maturing, with increased consumption and production despite decreasing prices, and suggests consolidation for more price stability. CA Norml

“Joint” Hearing Held on Condition of California Cannabis Industry

A “Joint” informational hearing on March 11 before the Assembly and Senate Business and Professions committees on the CA Department of Cannabis Control’s new Condition and Health of the Cannabis Industry Report presented a grim picture of the state of the industry and its future. Asm. Mike Gipson (D-LA), chair of the Assembly Revenue & Tax committee, and Asm. Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Buena Park) who chairs the Budget subcommittee that oversees the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), also participated. Quirk-Silva said the findings in the DCC report are “very concerning.” Active licenses and total retail sales value are both down. “Is

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A diverse group of people, including individuals with mobility aids, stands smiling on steps in front of a grand building. Many wear lanyards, hinting at a Cal NORML conference or event gathering. The backdrop features large, decorative doors celebrating their accomplishments. CA Norml

Join Us at Lobby Day in Sacramento on March 24, 2025

All Californians are invited to attend the California NORML/Americans for Safe Access Citizen Lobby Day on Monday, March 24 in Sacramento. The event will bring supporters from across the state to meet with their state representatives and make our voices heard on pending legislation affecting the rights of cannabis consumers in California. We have moved up our annual lobby day from May to March this year so that we can better influence California’s budget process. The California cannabis industry is facing an automatic excise tax INCREASE from 15% to 19% in July of this year unless the legislature acts. Cal

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Infographic compares cannabis taxes to other products. A pre-roll faces a $1.57 tax at 19%, while beer, wine, liquor, and tobacco have lower rates. Headline highlights Cal NORML's warning of California's potential tax increase unless action is taken by bill sponsors. CA Norml

Cal NORML Sponsors Bill to Block Cannabis Tax Increase

CLICK HERE TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR LOWER TAXES! EVERY SIGNATURE HELPS. California is set to increase its excise tax on cannabis from 15% to as much as 19% starting on July 1, 2025, as part of a budget compromise made when the cannabis cultivation tax was removed via AB 195 (2022), in order to assure adequate funding for programs funded by cannabis taxes. A bill sponsored by Cal NORML, AB 564 (Haney) has been introduced to block this pending excise tax increase. Cannabis is already heavily over-taxed relative to comparable products like beer, wine, and tobacco in California. The

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A construction worker wearing a yellow hard hat and vest sits on the ground holding his injured knee. Another worker in a yellow vest kneels beside him, offering assistance. Injured workers like him may be eligible for workers' compensation. A hard hat is placed on the ground nearby. CA Norml


UPDATE: Read Cal NORML Director Dale Gieringer’s testimony to the DWC, and an appendix of studies on cannabis and pain. See Deputy Director Ellen Komp’s letter on ties between the ACOEM and the worker’s compensation insurance providers.  California is considering adopting enormously wrong-headed chronic pain treatment recommendations by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine that would ban medical cannabis use for injured workers. The recommendation flies in the face of scores of scientific studies, including reports by the National Academy of Sciences* and California’s Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research,** plus the experience of countless California patients and doctors

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A variety of vape pens, reminiscent of a study in contrasts, are displayed in a row on a table. They differ in size, shape, and color—some featuring buttons and digital displays. A blurred background with a plant is visible. CA Norml

Applications Sought for Cannabis Vape Pen Study

Interested vape companies are invited to sponsor their devices for a study of cannabis vape pen emissions by California NORML. The study will test a variety of vape devices and cartridges to determine how much cannabinoids and harmful smoke toxins they deliver. The study is intended to help provide better consumer information on the safety and efficacy of cannabis vapes. There is good reason to believe that electronic vape devices can deliver safe, clean doses of THC and CBD without harmful smoke toxins. Unfortunately, evidence to support this is thin due to federal restrictions on research, which forbid labs from

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A historic building with Greek revival architecture stands under a clear blue sky. The text "Sacramento City Council Approves Cannabis Consumption Lounge Pilot Program" is prominently displayed in green. CA Norml

Sacramento City Council Approves Pilot Cannabis Consumption Lounge Program

November 19, 2024 – Following a two-year process during which the Sacramento Office of Cannabis Management met with public officials and lounge owners across the state, surveyed interested parties, and took scientific testimony to develop a pilot ordinance allowing for cannabis consumption lounges in the city, the Sacramento city council today voted 5-4 to allow the five-year pilot program to go forward. Both Type 1 licenses, allowing for noninhaled cannabis lounges (drinks and edibles) and Type 2 licenses, allowing for smoking and vaping at lounges, were approved. About 40 members of the Sacramento community spoke at today’s meeting, many from

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Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA

Oakland City Council Exempts Cannabis from Residential Smoking Ban

In a victory for cannabis consumers, the Oakland City Council on Tuesday, November 12 voted to exempt cannabis from a proposed total ban on residential smoking and vaping in multi-unit dwellings, including condos. The vote was 6-0 with 2 abstentions. The cannabis exemption was strongly opposed by the state’s powerful anti-smoking lobby, richly funded by the tobacco tax. They argued that second-hand marijuana smoke is as dangerous as tobacco smoke and poses unacceptable hazards to people in neighboring apartments. “The anti-tobacco lobby is blowing smoke about marijuana,” argued Cal NORML director Dale Gieringer in testimony before the council. “Marijuana smoke

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Illustration of a person wearing headphones looking at a computer. Text reads: "Think you’ve experienced Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? Researchers at UC Irvine want your anonymous feedback." Green button reads: "Start Survey." Learn more with the Fact Sheet from NORML. CA Norml

Nausea, Vomiting and Muscle Cramps from Too Much Weed? How to Avoid CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome)

NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, has published a Fact Sheet on CHS (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome) , in the wake of reports of increasing prevelance of the condition. Researched and written by California NORML director Dale Gieringer, the Fact Sheet says that CHS typically occurs in subjects who chronically consume large doses of THC over periods of months to several years. Subjects typically begin by experiencing episodic nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, which they often attempt to treat by using more cannabis. However, the only way of stopping CHS attacks is to completely abstain from cannabis. CHS is easily

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Cover page of a CDPH report titled "REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE HIGH POTENCY CANNABIS THINK TANK TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA," dated October 30, 2024. Features images of cannabis products with THC percentages and insights from the California Department of Public Health. CA Norml

CDPH Report Proposes Ban on High-Potency Cannabis Products

October 30, 2024 – A new report on high-potency cannabis by the California Department of Public Health raises important concerns for the cannabis community. The report blames high-potency products for a rising incidence of cannabis use disorder (habitual overuse), cannabis psychosis, hyperemesis syndrome, emergency room visits, and frequent use by youth under 21. The report makes several key recommendations aimed at reducing access to high-potency products. While some of them are reasonable, others are objectionable and anti-consumer in the view of Cal NORML—in particular prohibiting high-potency concentrates, flowers, and hashish—a measure likely to make consumers turn to more dangerous illicit

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An image featuring a cloud shaped like a cannabis leaf in a blue sky. Above, the text reads "California NORML SMOKE THE VOTE." Below, it states "NOVEMBER 2024" and "CaNORML.org/vote2024. Check out the California Voters Guide for more on cannabis candidates and measures. CA Norml

2024 California Election Results For Cannabis Candidates & Measures

In our 2023 Membership Survey, 47% of respondents said their vote is “Always” strongly influenced by a candidate’s position on marijuana, and another 34% said it “Usually” is. Also, 63% said they consulted our 2022 voter guide. If you appreciate getting voting information from Cal NORML, please consider supporting us with a personal or business membership​ or donation.​ Read more about Cal NORML.​ Read about all federal and state races, candidates’ voting records, and more at National NORML’s Smoke the Vote Guide. You can enter in your address there and find the races in which you will be voting, along

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Gov. Newsom speaks at a press conference announcing emergency regulations on hemp products in California.

Cal NORML Asks For Change in CDPH Hemp Regulations to Allow Non-Intoxicating Medicinal Hemp Products

In a letter to the California Office of Administrative Law and Department of Public Health, Cal NORML has asked that Gov. Newsom’s proposed emergency regulations banning the sale of hemp products be modified to allow continued sale of non-intoxicating hemp CBD extracts that are widely used by medical patients in California. The letter does not take issue with the regulations’ intent to block the sale of hemp products with intoxicating levels of THC in liquor stores, gas stations, smoke shops and convenience outlets, often with inadequate labeling and in a manner accessible to minors. However, it calls the proposed regulations too restrictive

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Sacramento Capitol with leaf cloud

Patient Compassion Programs, Cannabis Cafés, and Tax Reform Among Cannabis Bills Signed into Law in 2024

Cal NORML supporters have sent over 2500 letters in support of (or opposed to) cannabis bills in California this year, and our annual Lobby Day in May brought citizen lobbyists from across the state to meet with their lawmakers. Please support Cal NORML with a personal or business membership to help us to continue advancing cannabis consumers’ rights in California! UPDATED 9/30/2024 Several bills that Cal NORML has sponsored or supported have passed through the legislature and have been signed into law.  Cal NORML supporters sent in over 2500 letters of support on key cannabis bills. Thanks to all who

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