Image of a large white government building with a dome, set against a blue sky with some clouds. A cloud shaped like a marijuana leaf is prominently featured above the building. The bottom of the image includes the text "California NORML" and "," highlighting Cal NORML opposes AB 243. CA Norml

Governor Amends AB 266 / Cal NORML opposes AB 243

SACRAMENTO August 28, 2015 – The newly amended AB 266 proposed by the Governor’s Office appears to be an improvement on its predecessor. In particular, it allows deliveries everywhere except where specifically banned; the previous version required the government of the receiving locaity to authorize deliveries beforehand. While the new bill still has some problems, …

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A shirtless man stands with his back to the camera, tending to a large, lush cannabis plant in an outdoor garden. The plant is surrounded by a support structure. Text in the top right corner reads "WE LOVE THE HERB.COM" alongside a logo of two green leaves. This scene reflects Cal NORML's commitment to responsible cultivation practices. CA Norml

Cal NORML Challenges Fish & Wildlife Figures on Marijuana Water Consumption

Large plants of the type grown by Humboldt farmers The types of plants eradicated on public lands UPDATE April 2021 – Legal Cannabis Cultivation’s Footprint Sinks Common Assumptions About Comparative Water Use A report from New Frontier Data in partnership with Resource Innovation Institute and the University of California, Berkeley concluded that “while the state’s orchards …

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Three people stand outside; the person on the left holds a colorful sign with a character featuring a big orange mustache and the words "WE Speak for OUR TREES!" The other two, wearing Sacramento Supes shirts, smile at the camera. Trees and a sidewalk are visible in the background. CA Norml


July 28 – About 40 protesters turned up this morning for a press conference and rally to protest the Sacramento Board of Supervisors’ recent move to declare all marijuana cultivation outside of their nine-plant indoor limit a waste of water. Under an amendment to the county’s state-mandated water conservation ordinance, Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan introduced a …

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A person stands behind a table covered in a NORML tablecloth and various informational materials about California Law. They are wearing a t-shirt with a slogan. A sign reading "City of Santa Clara" is visible in the background along with the NORML banner. CA Norml

Organ Transplant Anti-Discrimination Bill Becomes California Law

July 6, 2015 – California Governor Jerry Brown has signed Assembly Bill 258 (Levine), to end discrimination against medical marijuana patients who need organ transplants. The bill was sponsored by Americans for Safe Access, and also endorsed by California NORML, which gathered signatures on a petition to Governor Brown at the Grateful Dead Santa Clara …

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Two men in suits sit at a wooden panel during a state hearing. One is speaking into a microphone, discussing the drought's impact on local agriculture, while the other listens attentively. Behind them is a large, detailed photo of farmland or garden plots on an easel. CA Norml

State Hearing Held on Drought and Illegal Marijuana Impacts to Fisheries

Senator McGuire and Assemblyman Wood at the hearing. Photo: Jennifer Savage/Lost Coast Outpost “Fish, Flow and Marijuana Grows: Drought and Illegal Marijuana Impacts to Fisheries” was the title of a hearing held July 1 in the California Assembly Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, co-chaired by North Coast Senator Mike McGuire and his assembly counterpart …

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A circular logo features a walking bear and a cannabis leaf silhouette. The text reads "End Prohibition" and "Legalize It" in bold, with "" below. Predominantly blue and orange, this 2016 design by ReformCA champions the call to legalize marijuana. CA Norml

ReformCA Coalition Storms the State to Legalize Marijuana in 2016

UPDATE: ReformCA will hold its final state roundtable on June 16, 2015 from 6pm – 8:30pm in the Grand Ballroom of the Marriott City Center, 1001 Broadway in Oakland. RSVP June 2015 – Plans are proceeding apace for a California unity initiative to legalize marijuana for adult use in November 2016. A statewide coalition of …

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A black-and-white illustration depicts a plant with a human-like face and leaves as arms, holding a jug. The plant, reminiscent of California's diverse flora, is positioned next to a sink with a water faucet, and the jug is being filled with water from the tap amid drought concerns. CA Norml

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California’s Drought?

Also see: State Hearing Held on Drought and Illegal Marijuana Impacts to Fisheries Cal NORML Challenges Fish and Wildlife Figures on Marijuana and Water Consumption The press has been lapping it up like….well, water: the allegation that marijuana cultivation in California is contributing to the state’s drought crisis. The situation has led to local governments …

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A rectangular ad banner for Clark Neubert LLP. On the left, there's a black and white photo of two women smiling. Text on the right reads: "CA’s Premier Cannabis Business Attorneys. Trusted for Marijuana Law Compliance. Nor Cal (415) 779-0777. So Cal (818) 794-2170.". CA Norml

Opening the Door: DOJ Memorandum On Marijuana in Indian Country

By Ariel Clark and Nicole Howell Neubert, Clark Neubert LLP On October 28, 2014, the United States Department of Justice issued a Memorandum titled “Policy Statement Regarding Marijuana Issues in Indian Country,” which effectively opened the door to Indian nations growing and selling marijuana on their lands. In so doing, the government signaled how tribes …

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A group of nine people pose for a photo indoors, four women and five men, with an American flag and another flag in the background. One woman is in a wheelchair in the front row. The others, including several senators holding items like notebooks and ID badges, stand around her. CA Norml

Senators, Including Feinstein, Approve Amendment Allowing Vets to Use Medical Marijuana

Veterans who met with Sen. Feinstein’s staffers in March along with California NORML. On May 21, 2015, the Senate Appropriations committee voted 18-12 to approve the following amendment to HR 2029, the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016: Sec. 246. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available to …

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