Medical Marijuana Patient Population in CA

Medical Marijuana Patient Population in CA Survey: 5% of California adults have used medical marijuana; Cal NORML estimates up to 1,125,000 current users. Updated October 2014 Fully 5% of California adults report having used medical marijuana at some time, according to a newly published survey by the Public Health Institute in Sacramento (Suzanne Ryan-Ibarra, Marta …

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News Archive 2010

CaNORML 2010 Accomplishments and Plans for 2011 California NORML is proud to have been on the forefront of marijuana reform in 2010, a year that marked a memorable turning point in the movement as legalization finally emerged as a serious political issue. Where Next for Marijuana Reform? Cal NORML Conference January 29th in Berkeley Dec. …

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NORML Joins Coalition of Advocates Suing Federal Government for Unreasonable Delay in Answering Petition to Reschedule Marijuana

Cal NORML Release May 23rd, 2011 Contact: Dale Gieringer, CaNORML 415-563-5858 Nearly nine years after filing a petition to reschedule marijuana for medical use, a coalition of advocates has filed suit in federal court to require the government to answer their petition within 60 days. The rescheduling petition, filed to the DEA on October 9, …

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June 9, 2011 Here are some things we can all do right now: 1. Write to President Obama and your Congressperson protesting the incarceration of Mollie Fry and Dale Schafer. Both are serving 5-year federal sentences for growing over 100 plants over three years’ time. (That’s right: they only grew 30 plants at a time). …

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Mollie Fry and Dale Schafer Surrender to Federal Prison

SACRAMENTO, May 2nd: Dr. Mollie Fry and Dale Schafer spoke eloquently at their federal surrender in Sacramento to an emotional crowd of supporters, who shouted, “We love you,” as the couple turned themselves in to serve a five year sentence for growing 106 marijuana plants over a period of three years. “If I’m going to …

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Cal NORML Legislative Update – Hearings on Cultivation Decrim, Medical Marijuana Regulation, Industrial Hemp

April 18 – On April 26th, the California Assembly Public Safety Committee will be hearing Assemblymember Tom Ammiano’s bill AB 1017 to downgrade marijuana cultivation from a mandatory felony to a wobbler (that is, optional misdemeanor). AB 1017 is sponsored by the new District Attorney from Mendocino County, David Eyster, with support from other north …

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Cal NORML Legislative Alert – Medical Marijuana Collective Bill AB 1300

April 13, 2011 – A bill to allow local regulation of medical marijuana collectives and cooperatives has been introduced by Assemblyman Blumenfield (AB 1300). The bill expands on the SB 420 definition of “cooperative” and “collective” as follows: (b) “Cooperative or collective,” for purposes of this article, means a location where qualified patients, persons with …

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California Medical Marijuana Employment Rights Bill Approved by Senate Committee

PRESS RELEASE Americans for Safe Access For Immediate Release: April 5, 2011 California Medical Marijuana Employment Rights Bill Approved by Senate Committee Legislation would prevent discrimination, continue to guard against impairment at the workplace Sacramento, CA — The State Senate Judiciary Committee voted 3-2 today, approving a bill that would protect medical marijuana patients from …

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Cannabis May Cure Cancer; But US Doctors Will Have a Hard Time Finding That Out

UPDATE 10/17: NIH’s website now states: “Cannabinoids may have benefits in the treatment of cancer-related side effects.” It had said: “The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep.” Also see: Government-Run Cancer Institute Quietly Acknowledges That Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells August …

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Vote Delayed on SB 129 – MMJ Employment Rights Bill

SACRAMENTO, March 29 – The California Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings today on Mark Leno’s bill to protect employment rights for medical marijuana users, SB 129, but the vote was delayed for another week due to illness of a committee member. The committee heard powerful testimony from Peter O’Neill, who was fired as an assistant …

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