San Diego Cracks Down on Dispensaries with DEA Help

September 11 – SWAT-style raids on 14 medical marijuana outlets in the San Diego area on September 9 resulted in 31 arrests, including a man in a wheelchair who was wrestled into a police car. The action was the result of a four-month investigation by the San Diego district attorney’s office, which claims the collectives …

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Recent Pain Study Put in Context

August 23 – A recent University of Texas study that claims the active ingredients in marijuana spread and prolong pain is an isolated, theoretical lab study involving rodent cells and endocannabinoids. It is more compelling to consult the long list of human clinical studies examining actual use of marijuana for chronic pain. It’s noteworthy that …

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Dem. AG Candidates Balk at Prison Reform Bill

August 22 – In a troubling development, the state assembly is balking at passing the prison population reduction bill passed by the state senate. The major objection appears to be precisely the provision of most interest to marijuana and drug reformers, namely one which would empower a state sentencing commission to review existing felony penalties …

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CalEPA Designates Marijuana Smoke as Carcinogen – CalNORML Not Surprised

June 20, 2009 – California NORML testified at the EPA hearings leading to the decision to categorize marijuana smoke, along with aspirin, potato chips and french fries as a potential carcinogen. The Cal EPA did NOT claim that THC itself is carcinogenic. They were looking at the smoke from the burned leaf, which contains hundreds …

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DEA Raids Two Los Angeles Collectives

August 12 – According to press and eyewitness reports, the DEA and other federal and local agencies raided two Los Angeles cannabis collectives today, as well as the residences of collective officials. Officials say more than 20 people from various agencies served a state search warrant at around 11 a.m. at the Organica Collective in …

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Governor’s Prison Plan: Don’t Tax Pot, Steal a Car

SEE AUG. 22 UPDATE August 10 – As California considers how to reduce prison spending, it has overlooked releasing non-violent marijuana prisoners in favor of car thieves. Later this month, the legislature will be debating a plan by Gov. Schwarzenegger to reduce $1.2 billion in prison spending as part of the state’s budget deal. Last …

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CaNORML Invites Drug Czar Kerlikowske on Fact-Finding Tour

After Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske pronounced “Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit,” in Fresno last week, California NORML cordially invites Kerlikowske to come and interview a few real, live medical marijuana patients, physicians, researchers and providers next time he visits California. If the government can’t get medical marijuana straight, how can we expect …

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Governor’s Prison Cuts Exclude Marijuana Offenses

July 23 – The Governor’s proposed prison cuts would reduce penalties for car theft, writing bad checks, and receiving stolen property, but not for the victimless crimes of cultivating or selling marijuana. It’s time to tell the Gov. that his priorities aren’t in order. – D. Gieringer Read more. Attacks BOE Report, CaNORML

July 13 – A story by Joseph Abrams of begins, “California’s tax board says the state could reap about $1.4 billion by taxing their biggest cash crop — marijuana — but their estimate appears to be based on hazy ‘studies’ conducted by marijuana advocates.” CalNORML director Dale Gieringer writes: “While Fox news is right …

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