Attorney General Holder Says Medical Marijuana Raids Will End

February 25, 2009 – Speaking at a press conference with DEA administrator Michelle Leonhart, Attorney General Eric Holder declared that ending medical marijuana raids “is now American policy.” A reporter asked, “shortly after the inauguration there were raids on California medical marijuana dispensaries…do you expect these to continue?”, noting that the President had promised to …

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Ammiano Bill to Tax and Regulate Marijuana Would Raise Over $1 Billion for State

Contact: Dale Gieringer, Director, Cal NORML (415) 563-5858 WRITE TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVES IN SUPPORT OF AB390 San Francisco, February 23, 2009 – At a press conference today, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-SF) announced the introduction of AB390, The Marijuana Control, Regulation and Education Act, a landmark bill to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol and tobacco. …

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New Poll Finds Growing Support for Legalization

February 19, 2009 – A growing number of Americans, and a majority in the West, support legalizing marijuana, according to a January 29-31 poll of 1,053 likely voters by Zogby International, sponsored by California NORML and Oaksterdam University. When asked: “Should marijuana be taxed and legally regulated like alcohol and cigarettes to help raise money …

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Kelloggs Drops Michael Phelps for Smoking Pot

Download the Phelps Yes We Cannabis flyer Pot advocates unite! Tell Kellogg Company and USA Swimming that you’re disgusted by their spurning of Michael Phelps. Phelps wasn’t flaunting pot in public. His privacy was wrongly invaded. No one tried to sanction him when he was busted for drunken driving. Tell Kellogg and USA Swim that …

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Three Appellate Court Rulings on Medical Marijuana: San Diego, Windus and Phomphakdy

AUGUST 8, 2008 – Last week saw three significant California Appellate Court rulings on medical marijuana, most of them favorable to medical marijuana patients, but one with cautionary implications for “primary caregivers.” (1) SAN DIEGO CHALLENGE TO PROP 215 & SB 420 ID CARDS REJECTED In the first, Counties of San Diego & San Bernardino …

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Court Strikes Down SB420 Limits

Los Angeles, May 22, 2008: The Second District of California Court of Appeals ruled that the state limits on medical marijuana possession and cultivation established under state law SB 420 are unconstitutional. In the case People v. Patrick Kelly, the court overturned defendant’s conviction for possessing 12 ounces of dried marijuana plants on the grounds …

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“Southern Sweep” Hits Northern California

On June 24, 2008 while fires raged in California, 450 law enforcement officers from the California Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement (BNE), plus FBI, IRS, US Postal Service and others descended on Humboldt and Mendocino counties for “Operation Southern Sweep.” Callers to local radio stations reported huge convoys of unmarked vehicles — as many as 200 …

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CA Supreme Court Rules Employers Can Discriminate Against Workers Using Medical Marijuana

Jan 24th, 2008. The California Supreme Court ruled 5-2 that employers can drug test and fire workers for using medical marijuana. The court dismissed a lawsuit brought by Gary Ross under the state’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) arguing that he had been wrongfully denied employment by RagingWire Telecommunications on account of testing positive …

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