Lobby Day 2018 a Success!

Some of the citizen lobbyists who participated in Lobby Day. June 5, 2018 – The Cal NORML / ASA annual Lobby Day, held June 4 in Sacramento, was well attended and well received. Constituent advocates from Humboldt county to San Diego and all across the state visited dozens of Legislators’ offices to lobby on several …

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Employment Rights and Tax Relief Bills Held in Assembly Committee; Resentencing Bill Advances and Compassion Bill Introduced

May 25, 2018 – The Cal NORML-sponsored bill to protect employment rights for medical marijuana users in California, AB 2069, has been held in the Assembly Appropriations committee, meaning it won’t advance in the legislature this year. A last-ditch grassroots effort to reach committee chairwoman Lorena Gonzales-Fletcher (D-SD), who had the ability to amend and …

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Bill to Protect Cannabis Deliveries Passes Committee

Sacramento, May 2nd – Senator Lara’s bill SB 1302 to disallow local bans on cannabis deliveries squeaked by the Senate Governance and Finance committee today on the understanding that further amendments will be needed to address opponents’ concerns. The bill was sponsored by WeDrop and ASA, with strong support from Weed for Warriors (pictured) and …

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Medical Cannabis Worker Protections Act Advances in CA Assembly

Take Action To Protect Workers’ Rights in California Sacramento, April 25th – The CA Assembly Labor Committee approved a bill to curb employment discrimination against workers who use medical cannabis to treat a disability or medical condition. The Medical Cannabis Worker Protections Act, AB 2069 by Asm. Rob Bonta, would treat medical cannabis in the …

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NORML Petitions for International Rescheduling of Cannabis

April 20, 2018 – The National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws has filed a petition with the FDA calling for the international rescheduling of cannabis. The World Health Organization Expert Committee on Drug Dependence is reviewing the status of cannabis for the first time this year. The cannabis plant was orginally placed in UN …

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Cal NORML Board of Directors

Valerie Corral is the co-founder and the director of the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, the longest running medical marijuana collective in the US, founded in 1993 in Santa Cruz, California and now operating as . Valerie is also acting director of WAMM’s sister non-profit hospice team, Raha Kudo, Design for Dying Project. Dale Gieringer …

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Take Action for Cannabis Consumers’ Rights in California!

Protect Medical Marijuana Patients from Employment Discrimination Support AB 1793 (Bonta) to Automatically Expunge Past Marijuana Convictions Support SB 930 (Herzberg) to Expand Banking Options for Marijuana Businesses Support AB 3157 to Temporarily Lower Cannabis Taxes Support AB 1578 (Jones-Sawyer) to make California a Marijuana Industry Sanctuary State Sign up for Cal NORML weekly email …

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Take Action for Cannabis Consumers’ Rights in California!

AB 2069 (Bonta), which would protect workers from employment disrimination for using medical cannabis, will be heard in the Assembly Labor Committee on Wednesday, April 25th. Constituents of the following committee members are urged to ask them to support AB 2069. Make sure to tell them that you live in their district! Tony Thurmond (Chair) …

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Bill to Reduce Cannabis Taxes Introduced in CA

UPDATE 5/25/18 – The bill has failed to advance in the legislature. March 15, 2018 – Assemblymembers Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) and Rob Bonta (D-Oakland) have introduced AB 3157 to reduce existing state taxes on cannabis for three years as California implements Proposition 64, which legalized cannabis for adult use. Assembly Bill 3157 will reduce the …

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Cal NORML Opposes Bill to Suspend Licenses of Underage Drivers

February 25, 2018 – Cal NORML is opposing a bill, SB 1273 by Sen. Jerry Hill (San Mateo), that would authorize police to test any drivers under 21 for marijuana and automatically suspend their licenses for one year if any detectible amount of THC is found in their systems. Cal NORML denounced the proposal as …

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