Minnesota Employment Law



Subd. 3. Discrimination prohibited. (a) No school or landlord may refuse to enroll or lease to and may not otherwise penalize a person solely for the person’s status as a patient enrolled in the registry program under sections 152.22 to 152.37, unless failing to do so would violate federal law or regulations or cause the school or landlord to lose a monetary or licensing-related benefit under federal law or regulations.

(b) For the purposes of medical care, including organ transplants, a registry program enrollee’s use of medical cannabis under sections 152.22 to 152.37 is considered the equivalent of the authorized use of any other medication used at the discretion of a physician and does not constitute the use of an illicit substance or otherwise disqualify a patient from needed medical care.

(c) Unless a failure to do so would violate federal law or regulations or cause an employer to lose a monetary or licensing-related benefit under federal law or regulations, an employer may not discriminate against a person in hiring, termination, or any term or condition of employment, or otherwise penalize a person, if the discrimination is based upon either of the following:

(1) the person’s status as a patient enrolled in the registry program under sections 152.22 to 152.37; or

(2) a patient’s positive drug test for cannabis components or metabolites, unless the patient used, possessed, or was impaired by medical cannabis on the premises of the place of employment or during the hours of employment.

(d) An employee who is required to undergo employer drug testing pursuant to section 181.953 may present verification of enrollment in the patient registry as part of the employee’s explanation under section 181.953, subdivision 6.

(e) A person shall not be denied custody of a minor child or visitation rights or parenting time with a minor child solely based on the person’s status as a patient enrolled in the registry program under sections 152.22 to 152.37. There shall be no presumption of neglect or child endangerment for conduct allowed under sections 152.22 to 152.37, unless the person’s behavior is such that it creates an unreasonable danger to the safety of the minor as established by clear and convincing evidence.