Cannabis Retailers: Get on the Map!
Cal NORML retailer members are featured in the Cannabis Dispensaries and Delivery directory.
Listing in the Cannabis Marketplace is an included benefit with business membership. For $500 per year, your business will be added with up to two locations on the interactive map. Additional locations can be added for $250 each.
You’ll also enjoy all the additional benefits listed below.

Payment Processing that Benefits You and Cal NORML
Extremely competitive rates alongside personalized service from a team that understands the cannabis industry. Free hardware is available to help you make the switch.

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Eblast Sponsorship Discount
Business Members receive 50% sponsorship of our e-newsletter. Sponsorship consists of a 660 x 200 pixel banner ad with link displayed toward the top of the e-newsletter. Current members may sponsor once per calendar month for $100. You’ll stand out in the sole sponsorship spot offered each week.

Business or Legal Comiittee Member Badge
Show your customers or clients that you contribute toward solutions that benefit us all.
Display a Cal NORML Member Badge on your website and link your site to

Show off your support — this 3 inch square removable decal lets your customers and clients know you’re contributing to solutions that impact their daily lives!

Referral Bonuses
Refer your network of professionals to Cal NORML and receive free month(s) added to your membership.
Each business or firm you refer that becomes a new business or legal committee member with Cal NORML will earn you one free month added to your existing membership. No limits on months you may accrue!

NCIA Membership Discount
Cal NORML Business members receive a 10% discount on membership with National Cannabis Industry Association.
A savings up to $1500.
call/text: 707-337-9747
"Helping the Entire Industry"

“We have supported California NORML since 2009 and remain a proud business member and sponsor because of all the great work they have done and are still doing to change the laws around cannabis prohibition that help benefit humanity. This non-profit truly stands behind patients and consumers, thus helping the entire industry.”
—Zee Handoush
7Stars Holistic Healing Center
"Best Parts of the Cannabis Movement"

“We are proud supporters of California NORML because they have historically supported patients, and businesses like ours. Cal NORML has been at the forefront of the best parts of the cannabis movement.”
—BASA (Bay Area Safe Alternatives)
Payments are made through recurring charges which may be cancelled at any time via email.
If you would prefer to be invoiced every year, or every 6 months, please email or phone 707-337-9747.