Let’s Blitz Sacramento for Legalization!

To all NORML supporters in California:

We are kicking off 2010 with a major legalization blitz in Sacramento.

The California legislature will be hearing Tom Ammiano’s landmark legalization bill AB 390 on Jan. 12th. We are asking all California activists to start the new year by contacting their Assembly members in support of AB 390. The legislature is returning into session on Jan 4th, so we have just one week to do this.

Californians can send e-mails to their Assembly members via NORML’s CapWiz. However, it is much more powerful if people call (or FAX) the legislature in person.

We are targeting members of two committees that will hear the bill on Jan 12th. The first is the Public Safety Committee, chaired by Tom Ammiano. If it gets out of that committee, it will go on to the Health Committee the same day. A flyer with a description of the bill and all key committee members can be found at https://www.canorml.org/AB390actnow.pdf.

We are especially targeting the Public Safety Committee, key members of which are listed below, along with Speaker Perez and Health Committee Chairman Dave Jones.

Chapters with members in these areas are encouraged to call into their assembly members at the numbers posted below.


– Dale Gieringer

LONG BEACH – Assemblyman Warren Furutani 562-989-2919 or 916-319-2055
W. SAN FRANCISCO – Fiona Ma 415-557-2312 or 916-319-2012
SAN MATEO/Peninsula – Jerry Hill 650-349-1900 or 916-319-2019
FRESNO – Juan Arambula 559-445-5532 or 916-319-2031
LOS ANGELES – Speaker John Perez 213-620-4646 or 916-319-2046
COVINA/CHINO – Curt Hagman 909-627-7021 or 916-319-2060
HANFORD/BAKERSFIELD – David Gilmore 559-585-7170 or 916-319-2030
BERKELEY/OAKLAND – Nancy Skinner 510-286-1400 or 916-319-2014
SACRAMENTO – Dave Jones 916-324-4676 or 916-319-2009

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