L.A., Redding to Hear Ordinances

December 12 (UPDATE): LA City Council will take up the latest ordinance draft on Wednesday, December 16.

December 2 (UPDATE): The latest draft of the L.A. Ordinance has been released. As written, it would cap the number of collectives at 70, distributed among 21 police precincts, and furthermore allow one coop per 57,000 people. It would disallow membership at more than one collective and allow inspection of patient records, just not full medical records without a warrant.

Read about Redding actions.

December 1 – After a marathon 6-hour session last week on the sixth revision of a medical marijuana ordinance, Los Angeles City Council will take up the topic again at their meeting on Tuesday, December 8. At issue are a possible “cap” on the number of collectives, with 70 and 200 named as possibilities to study. (An estimated 540 are currently operating in LA.) Also the question of where marijuana can be grown will be looked at, with a report expected from planning and zoning.

The meeting will convene at 10 AM at Room 340, City Hall, 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles.

The City of Redding is also poised to pass a comprehensive ordinance, and will vote to introduce it at their meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 777 Cypress Ave.

Changes proposed are (p. 3 of 25):

1. Change the definition of “collective” to more than 10 patients, so to regulate collectives, not grows in homes (previous language was “one or more”)

2. Require doctors to recommend a specific quantity of marijuana

3. Require membership applications to include written approval to see patients’ medical records. (Ordinance 6.12.070 p. 18) Report states: “The City’s role as regulator is to audit or conduct spot checks to ensure that the collective owner/operator is complying with the conditions of the permit and verifying that members have the required recommendation. The City has no interest in knowing what illness supported the recommendation from the Doctor.”

4. Require membership applications to include statement that the patient does not belong to any other collective or coop in Shasta county.

5. Prohibit collectives from cultivating onsite or selling clones. Onsite use would also be prohibited, as well as sale of items other than marijuana, to ensure “nonprofit” status.

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