Proposed Alameda and LA Bans on E-Cigs, Vaporizers Harmful to Marijuana Patients – Hearings in January


December 12, 2013 – The Alameda County Board of Supervisors will be considering an ordinance regarding restrictions to electronic smoking devices (vaporizers) in unincorporated Alameda County at its meeting on Tuesday, December 17.

The Los Angeles City Council will also be voting on a bill to ban e-cigs and vaporizers in non-smoking areas next Wednesday Dec. 18th at 10 am.

E-cigs are broadly defined in the bill so as to include vaporizers used for marijuana and other medicinal herbs.

Studies by Cal NORML have shown that vaporizers eliminate harmful smoke toxins from marijuana, delivering a virtually pure stream of medically active ingredients. Cal NORML has long recommended vaporizers to medical cannabis patients, many of whom are prevented from smoking their medicine on account of anti-smoking rules.

The same is true of nicotine vaporizers. Studies show that they pose no second-hand health hazard to bystanders, and offer appreciable harm reduction benefits to smokers. In effect, vaporizers eliminate the risk of smoke-related respiratory diseases like lung cancer, emphysema, or asthma. Many users report having successfully given up smoking altogether thanks to e-cigs.

Residents of Alameda and LA are urged to contact City Council and urge them to say no to the proposed e-cig ban. If this ordinance passes, it will become impossible for patients to inhale their medicine in any indoors space outside their home (and residential landlords may start banning renters from using them as well).

Read CalNORML’s testimony on e-cigarettes

CalNORML helped defeat an e-cigarette ban at the state level this year arguing it would infringe on medical marijuana patients’ rights. Read more.

LA and Alameda county residents, please contact members of the Board and voice your opinion.

In Alameda:

Scott Haggerty 510 272-6691
Richard Valle 272-6692
Wilma Chan 272-6693
Nate Miley 272-6694
Keith Carson 272-6695

In LA:

Gilbert Cedillo: 213-473-7001
Paul Krekorian: 213-473-7002
Bob Blumenfield: 213-473-7003
Tom LaBonge: 213-473-7004
Joe Buscaino: 213-473-7015
Nury Martinez: 213-473-7006
Felipe Fuentes: 213-473-7007
Bernard Parks: 213-473-7008
Curren D. Price: 213-473-7009
Herb J. Wesson: 213-473-7010
Mike Bonin: 213-473-7011
Mitchell Englander: 213-473-7012
Mitch O’Farrell: 213-473-7013
Jose Huizar: 213-473-7014
Paul Koretz: 213-473-7005

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