Tell CA Assembly: No Taxation of Medical-Only Marijuana

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UPDATE 6/1/2016 – Lawmakers have added language to AB 2243 (Wood) making the bill an “urgency statue.” That means it takes effect immediately when the Governor signs the bill. It must be voted on by Friday, June 3.
Amended text

SACRAMENTO May 10 – The CA Assembly is expected to vote on Asm. Wood’s bill AB 2243 to impose a $9.25/ounce tax on cultivation of medical (only) marijuana in coming days.

Now is the time to call on your Assembly member to oppose AB 2243.

The bill is both ill-advised and premature. This November, Californians will be voting on The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), which would tax marijuana for BOTH adult and medical use along similar lines as AB 2243. If Californians approve AUMA, AB 2243 is moot.

If not, AB 2243 will leave California with an unsustainably high tax on medical-only marijuana. The proposed tax amounts to some 10% above and beyond existing local and sales taxes.

This is unreasonably high for many medically needy patients. Medical providers already face burdensome new costs and regulations under MMRSA; additional taxes will further discourage compliance and encourage diversion to the illicit, unregulated adult-use market.

Tell your legislator to oppose AB 2243 – NO TAXATION WITHOUT LEGALIZATION.

Residents of the following key districts are especially encouraged to call on their Assembly member to oppose AB 2243. Phone calls to both their Sacramento and district offices would be helpful.

Key Legislators:
Cheryl Brown (San Bernardino) (916) 319-2047
Autumn Burke (Inglewood) (916) 319-2062
Catherine Baker (Dublin) (916) 319-2016
Susan Bonilla (Concord) (916) 319-2014
David Chiu (S.F.) (916) 319-2017
Jim Cooper (Sacramento) (916) 319-2009
Matt Dababneh (Van Nuys) (916) 319-2045
Bill Dodd (Napa) (916) 319-2004
Susan Eggman (Stockton) (916) 319-2013
Eduardo Garcia (Coachella) (916) 319-2058
Mike Gipson (Carson) (916) 319-2064
Patty Lopez (San Fernando) (916) 319-2039
Eric Linder (Corona) (916) 319-2060
Marc Levine (San Rafael) (916) 319-2010
Kevin McCarty (Sacramento) (916) 319-2007
Brian Maienschein (San Diego) (916) 319-2077
Patrick O’Donnell (Long Beach) (916) 319-2070
Mark Stone (Santa Cruz) (916) 319-2029
Tony Thurmond (Berkeley/Oakland) (916) 319-2015
Phil Ting (S.F.) (916) 319-2019

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