Tell Governor Brown to Veto Bills Banning Smoking at the Beach

UPDATE 10/6/17 – Gov. Brown has vetoed the bills. See veto messages here and here. Thanks to all the NORML supporters who contacted the Governor.

SACRAMENTO, September 15 — The California legislature is reaching for a new low in nanny-state legislation.

Two bills passed by the legislature would not only ban smoking marijuana and tobacco outdoors at the beach, they also ban smokeless e-cigarettes. E-cigs pose none of the alleged hazards of cigarettes (i.e. harmful smoke and beach litter).

Californians should be free to inhale what they wish at the beach.

Tell Gov. Brown to veto these bills – AB 725 by Asm. Marc Levine and SB 386 by Sen. Steve Glazer.

Email Governor Brown or call (916) 445-2841.

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