The California Marijuana Report

The California Marijuana Report with former Westwood One news reporter, KGO radio producer, screen actor and Libertarian activist Eric Brenner. The CMR is a new weekly segment on the NORML DAILY AUDIO STASH. This podcast will focus on California marijuana news and music. We go beyond the headlines and interview elected officials and marijuana law experts as well as profile California residents currently incarcerated or being prosecuted for marijuana offenses. This weekly demand for liberty will not end until every single Californian imprisoned for marijuana sees daylight again. All Californians whose lives are being disrupted for so-called marijuana crimes have a voice here on The California Marijuana Report.

7/27 edition
Eugene Davidovich interview
7/12 edition
Ed Rosenthal interview on Will Foster’s extradition case
7/06 edition
Dennis Peron interview on Eddie Lepp’s incarceration
6/22 edition
Charles Lynch interview.
6/02 edition
5/18 edition
5/11 edition
featuring interviews with Bryan Epis and his attorney.
5/4 edition
4/27 edition
4/20 edition

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