Watered-Down Dispensary Bill Passes Assembly

June 4 – The California Assembly has passed a bill, AB 2650, that bans dispensaries within 600 feet of schools. Thanks to lobbying by MMJ advocates, the bill was greatly watered down from an earlier version which would have banned them within 1,000 feet of schools, parks, libraries, religious institutions, child care or youth centers, or other dispensaries.

Advocates also won a grandfather exemption for cities that already have conflicting ordinances. The original bill, which would have drastically restricted dispensaries statewide, was first drafted by AG candidate Alberto Torrico and introduced by Joan Buchanan at the behest of the the Peace Officers’ Research Association of Cal (PORAC).

Advocates are hoping to kill the watered-down bill in the State Senate. Cal NORML believes that any state dispensary regulations should be part of a wider measure that includes provisions to guarantee the legality of medical marijuana sales, deliveries, testing, edible manufacture, etc. – D. Gieringer

Text of AB 2650:

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